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Human Rights

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Postby DT. » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:56 pm

Get Real! wrote:
DT. wrote:Firstly whats going on in Iran if you look at all the footage is demonstrations and not riots. This couldn't be clearer.

That’s strange… I could’ve sworn you recently thought otherwise!

“Iranians rioting for democracy”

What crimes is Greece committing in Cyprus TODAY and what crimes is Turkey committing in Cyprus TODAY.

To answer that question, all you need to do DT is look at yourself!


I’ll give you a chance to contemplate and answer this question before I answer it for you…

I'll react this way to whichever BOOFHEAD decides to equate what Turkey is doing in my country with what another country is doing. As far as I'm concerned the No1 criminal in Cyprus today is TURKEY and if someone is stupid enough to try to provide some balance for what these cirminals are doing in my country I'll defend that other country and shoot down that BOOFHEADS argument with just as much enthusiasm.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:Pointing the finger at Turkey alone is NOT on ....

Why isn't it on? Who illegally occupies our country?

Turkey have been shown time and time again to be high ranking for HR and International Law violations...

And what is more: who is occupying our country?

Who has 43,000 Human Rights abusing Turkish troops ready to practice on us?

As you said earlier, we may not be affected directly by Human Rights abuses in Korea or Malaysia because they are not occupying our country, or likely to have expansion or annexation policies towards us.

So why the fuck should we care what Greece's human rights are like? Should we be paranoid about a fellow EU member State? ... Then we should point the finger at all EU member States ...

Let's keep wasting time pointing the finger at everyone just so that Turkey does not feel discriminated ... because Lord knows; there is no reason to be any more fearful of Turkey than anyone else ...
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:58 pm

Paphitis wrote:The ordinary citizens of Iran are demonstrating against an undemocratic, totalitarian, theocratic and corrupt regime where women have no rights are are even stoned or publicly hung on mere suspicion of adultery.

Even Homosexuals are publicly hung just for being gay..... :roll:

The following youtube is quite disturbing....

The world’s BIGGEST abuser of Human Rights is the US. In fact, their crimes against humanity are greater than the rest of the countries of the world put together!

Your time would be better spent concentrating and campaigning against this fountain of global death & destruction than abetting them by clouding world affairs instigated by them!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:51 pm

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Pointing the finger at Turkey alone is NOT on ....

Why isn't it on? Who illegally occupies our country?

Cyprus is illegally occupied by Turkey because of an agreement with Greece from the mid sixties to divide the Cypriots into two thereby creating a dual ethnicity border, otherwise known as “double enosis”.

Unfortunately for them and to Greece’s astonishment, during the invasion Turkey had advanced much further than was agreed by them which led to a Greek panic, exposure of their crimes, and the ultimate collapse of their incompetent government.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:05 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The ordinary citizens of Iran are demonstrating against an undemocratic, totalitarian, theocratic and corrupt regime where women have no rights are are even stoned or publicly hung on mere suspicion of adultery.

Even Homosexuals are publicly hung just for being gay..... :roll:

The following youtube is quite disturbing....

The world’s BIGGEST abuser of Human Rights is the US. In fact, their crimes against humanity are greater than the rest of the countries of the world put together!

Your time would be better spent concentrating and campaigning against this fountain of global death & destruction than abetting them by clouding world affairs instigated by them!

I would have to disagree...

Many countries would be very jeolous of America's strong and stable democracy and constitution, defending every citizens civil liberties through the Bill of Rigths.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Pointing the finger at Turkey alone is NOT on ....

Why isn't it on? Who illegally occupies our country?

Cyprus is illegally occupied by Turkey because of an agreement with Greece from the mid sixties to divide the Cypriots into two thereby creating a dual ethnicity border, otherwise known as “double enosis”.

Unfortunately for them and to Greece’s astonishment, during the invasion Turkey had advanced much further than was agreed by them which led to a Greek panic, exposure of their crimes, and the ultimate collapse of their incompetent government.

So the pre Junta Government of Greece signed an agreement with Turkey for double ENOSIS did it? And here I was believing that Greece was warning Grivas and Makarios to settle down in order to avoid the Acheson Plan which Greece opposed.

Do you have a link that proves that the pre Junta government of Greece had agreed to double union? :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:24 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The ordinary citizens of Iran are demonstrating against an undemocratic, totalitarian, theocratic and corrupt regime where women have no rights are are even stoned or publicly hung on mere suspicion of adultery.

Even Homosexuals are publicly hung just for being gay..... :roll:

The following youtube is quite disturbing....

The world’s BIGGEST abuser of Human Rights is the US. In fact, their crimes against humanity are greater than the rest of the countries of the world put together!

Your time would be better spent concentrating and campaigning against this fountain of global death & destruction than abetting them by clouding world affairs instigated by them!

I would have to disagree...

Many countries would be very jeolous of America's strong and stable democracy and constitution, defending every citizens civil liberties through the Bill of Rigths.

You're as daft as a Gnu... :lol:

The US showed the rest of the world a clean pair of heels when it came to election rigging... see G.Bush's (jr) second term election!

They could pull the underware off a mediocre fool like you and you wouldn’t even notice… Image
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:35 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The ordinary citizens of Iran are demonstrating against an undemocratic, totalitarian, theocratic and corrupt regime where women have no rights are are even stoned or publicly hung on mere suspicion of adultery.

Even Homosexuals are publicly hung just for being gay..... :roll:

The following youtube is quite disturbing....

The world’s BIGGEST abuser of Human Rights is the US. In fact, their crimes against humanity are greater than the rest of the countries of the world put together!

Your time would be better spent concentrating and campaigning against this fountain of global death & destruction than abetting them by clouding world affairs instigated by them!

I would have to disagree...

Many countries would be very jeolous of America's strong and stable democracy and constitution, defending every citizens civil liberties through the Bill of Rigths.

You're as daft as a Gnu... :lol:

The US showed the rest of the world a clean pair of heels when it came to election rigging... see G.Bush's (jr) second term election!

They could pull the underware off a mediocre fool like you and you wouldn’t even notice… Image

George W Bush was the biggest Dick the world had ever seen, but now he has some strong competition from GR! the unreasonable. :lol:

BTW, Michael Moore is not a credible source... :wink:

The only credible source would be the US Federal Court ruling.... :roll:

And if US elections are as rigged as Iranian elections, then surely Obama would not have won the last Presidential elections you imbecile...

Ate biyene kai kane kaka....Image

Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:53 pm

Paphitis wrote:So the pre Junta Government of Greece signed an agreement with Turkey for double ENOSIS did it? And here I was believing that Greece was warning Grivas and Makarios to settle down in order to avoid the Acheson Plan which Greece opposed.

Do you have a link that proves that the pre Junta government of Greece had agreed to double union? :roll:

The 1964 double enosis plans are well known…

Foreign Relations, 1964-1968, Volume XVI, Cyprus; Greece; Turkey

GOG = Govt of Greece
GOT = Govt of Turkey
GOC = Govt of Cyprus

Discussions on Cyprus September 1964-June 1965 ... i/4769.htm

Continuing Discussions of a Cyprus Solution January-October 1966 ... i/4766.htm
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:11 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:So the pre Junta Government of Greece signed an agreement with Turkey for double ENOSIS did it? And here I was believing that Greece was warning Grivas and Makarios to settle down in order to avoid the Acheson Plan which Greece opposed.

Do you have a link that proves that the pre Junta government of Greece had agreed to double union? :roll:

The 1964 double enosis plans are well known…

Foreign Relations, 1964-1968, Volume XVI, Cyprus; Greece; Turkey

GOG = Govt of Greece
GOT = Govt of Turkey
GOC = Govt of Cyprus

Discussions on Cyprus September 1964-June 1965 ... i/4769.htm

Continuing Discussions of a Cyprus Solution January-October 1966 ... i/4766.htm

I tell you what. Since I really don't have much time to read all of that, why don't you cut and paste the relevant part which states that Greece and Turkey had formerly agreed to double union.... :D

In 1964, Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou rejected the Acheson Plan...

But in any case, the Acheson plan was just a by product of GC desires for ENOSIS with Greece. It is not something that Greece ultimately desired, but the plan was an American proposal for ending the Cyprus Problem once and for all.

Greece did warn Makarios and Grivas about the Kokkina siege, and that the inter communal violence will be the island's destruction. But in those days, our nationalists were not listening, and the Turks escalated things to achieve partition. In fact, Greece warned Cyprus about an impending Turkish Invasion in 1964 and intervened diplomatically to prevent it.
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