theunifier wrote:The British did. And they did a damn good job at doing it if you ask me. We made a miserable attempt at following it. I truly honestly beleive that the generations from the 60's had no idea about how the country "should" function thus why we were given our constitution. although modified today (thank god and intelligent people - the few that do exist) it still holds strong. It was built in the image of the UK constitution which I have also browsed into.
Are you saying that the constitution is to blame for all the trouble? How comes a multinational cosmopolitan city like London can live with all sorts of ethnicities and still be considered British then? They can do it perfectly with 7 million people (I've seen it and lived it) and you're telling me that you blame the people that wrote the damn thing for you?
Kind of unjust don't you think?
mate...there is no such thing as a UK constitution. What are you talking about?