Get Real! wrote:It’s always amusing to see some members complain that the forum should be more of this and less of that, with a little bit of this and not as much as that…
So what have these ungrateful lot done to make the forum more interesting other than hang around like sluts all day waiting for a handful of people like GR, Oracle, and a couple of others, to devise ways to entertain and stimulate them?
Has it ever occurred to you that the forum may not be as appealing because of far too many boring uncharismatic gits like you doing nothing?

The forum is losing its appeal for me because of uncharismatic, repetitive, and divisive gits like you. I would not call you stimulating. A childish prat maybe!
I have always made my own entertainment on this forum, and I certainly do not need to rely on you or anyone else.
The forum is still good, and I have contributed much humour and also openned some serious topics and debate.
But there comes a time when people just move on, because there is nothing further to gain. Or at least the thought crosses your mind, until you think about some developed bonds and friendships.
I am not saying I have arrived at this point yet.
I have never complained about the forum, and still consider it a fine source of information about Cyprus.