Icarus wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Icarus wrote:Viewpoint wrote:humanist wrote:What is most interesting is that in the midsts of unification the Turks who live in Cyprus rather secure the rights of Britons who similar to them will violate other Cypriots human rights than actually honour and respect their compatriots. Good one peoples
Compatriots? those that buried 16 months old babies alive? and will stab us in the back if left at their mercy. Time you GCs proved you are not as bad as we think you are all you do is confirm our worst fears.
I have never heard of any 16 month old babies being buried alive.
But I know of 3 Greek Cypriot ladies that got raped by Turkish Soldiers and another 3 month old baby given soapy water and vinegar to drink by Turkish Soldiers, because it was crying from hunger and thirst.
The fact you chose to ignore, is that there were absolutely no TC casualties immediately prior to the Turkish Invasion. It is only when the Turkish Army landed on Cyprus, when some fanatic GC "heroes" targeted some TC civilians, and even then your casualties were few, whereas our casualties were many thousands.
This is why the Greek Cypriots have legitimate security concerns and will never accept any solution encompassing a Treaty of Guarantee from Turkey itself. Talat knows this very well and so does Turkey.
What you fail to comprehend is the fact that things are beyond your control and the "TRNC" will be dissolved in due course. Turkey's EU accession depends on this. Quite clearly, there are other factors at stake, and never before has the RoC's hand been as strong. Things are beginning to change and soon Turkey will pull the rug from under your feet. Reality will hit home very hard..
Welcome to CF Icarus.
I share the view that Tnuc-land is on the ropes, having taken beatings from things such as the ECJ judgement, the cold welcome by Jurkey to the assistant muhktari a few days ago, pressure for progress this year on Jurkish EU ambitions.
I do hope Pres X appreciates the strength of his position.
Thank you for the welcome Bill..![]()
I'm certain Pres X has a strategy in mind.![]()
Both parties are locked in negotiations. Turkey's EU accession depends on whether these negotiations are successful. Also, with the Eroglu "election" win, then it is easy to presume that it will be the Turkish side that may withdraw from the peace process. Therefore , they will be the one's being blamed for the failure of the peace talks. A complete reversal over the nnan debacle...![]()
And this is where the EU will apply more pressure, along with the US.
So either way, the RoC is in a win win situation.
Total rubbish, President Talat will not walk away GCs will vote no again and the world will accept we cannot unite.