DT. wrote:Kikapu wrote:YFred wrote:Bill, read the judgment carefully, it is not a political judgment and there are no political remedies in it. In fact the Orams look as though they will use this aspect to defeat it. Stop kidding yourself and others that in some way this is a tool for the GC government to use to beat anyone with. It’s a stick made of candy mate, like the Brighton rock.
Were you not telling us few weeks ago that the ECJ ruling was a "political judgement" therefore it should be refused by the British Courts, but now you are saying it is NOT a Political Judgement. Glad that you have seen the LIGHT.! As for the Orams, they have even less chance of overturning the ECJ judgement if it was not a Political one, which it was not..........directly !.
Nice one, YFred.!
YFred wrote:No Milt, UK government can authorise the court to ignore the judgement from the EU on the grounds that it is a political trial, which it is.
The Mr A v The Harems matter was and is a matter between individuals, but the result of which has wider political effects.
The ECJ,
quite rightly, chose to not give any weight whatsover to the politics. I say rightly cos otherwise every time a thief gets hauled before the courts they could plead some wider political issue in their defence, like the thief went stealing to house and feed his family cos society is politically unfair.
(Sorry to give this obvious analogy but some people here are pretending to be thick)
The political effects of course stand to get bigger and bigger with each individual case that Mr Candounas brings before the Courts. We know he is working on those Canterbury Land Stealers in Kondea and I hear there's a third one in the pipeline, but they remain individual cases where individual owners of land have gone to the Courts for redress.
The GB Appeal Court has been told to enforce the Nicosia Court's judgement. It will I'm sure do so, cos it aint got any discretion in the matter.
It went to the ECJ for a ruling, it has now got the ruling, all that's left is to enforce it or impose penalties for non-compliance and award costs against the Harems.May I say that the following from our Freddie is some of the biggest, smelliest and downright incompetent load of pollocks I have ever read on CF (some of my own posts apart).....
YFred wrote:No Milt, UK government can authorise the court to ignore the judgement from the EU on the grounds that it is a political trial, which it is.
Thank you.