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North Cyprus ‘One of the most secure countries”

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:42 pm

humanist wrote:What is most interesting is that in the midsts of unification the Turks who live in Cyprus rather secure the rights of Britons who similar to them will violate other Cypriots human rights than actually honour and respect their compatriots. Good one peoples

Compatriots? those that buried 16 months old babies alive? and will stab us in the back if left at their mercy. Time you GCs proved you are not as bad as we think you are all you do is confirm our worst fears.
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Postby humanist » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:47 pm

VP your guns left my grandmother having to bury her 17 year old son .... so take your comment and shove it
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:49 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:What is most interesting is that in the midsts of unification the Turks who live in Cyprus rather secure the rights of Britons who similar to them will violate other Cypriots human rights than actually honour and respect their compatriots. Good one peoples

Compatriots? those that buried 16 months old babies alive? and will stab us in the back if left at their mercy. Time you GCs proved you are not as bad as we think you are all you do is confirm our worst fears.

You TCs appear to be very careless with your babies! :roll:

So, these TC babies buried alive ... where they the 'not so tasty ones' which the GCs refused to eat?

What a sick, attention seeking, peddler of outrageous lies you have turned out to be you Zivania-imbibed clown!
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Re: North Cyprus ‘One of the most secure countries”

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
YFred wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
iceman wrote:
paaul12 wrote:
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Turgay Avci

This statemenent was made by Avci on 27.03.2009 what's the point of publishing it today?
Turgay Avci's party lost the elections held on 17th April, so Mr Avci is no longer Deputy Prime Minister or Foreign Minister since then.

Oh dear.

Would the next comedian, the successor Unofficial Deputy Muhktar please take to the stage with another dodgy "guarantee" please. Thank you.

Don't worry dear boy, your wish will come true, it'll be Eroglu and the Grey Wolves band but watch out for the guitar cases, they have a different sort of instruments.

Would that be 'Asses Death' by Greek? or was it Aase's Death by Grieg? :?

Grieg!!! WTF ! Bleeding wallpaper/supermarket musac.

You jest sir!!! :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:57 pm

humanist wrote:VP your guns left my grandmother having to bury her 17 year old son .... so take your comment and shove it

Im sorry for your loss and I wish it never happened but read Oracles comments to see the real GC mindset, thats why we need safeguards to make people like oracle do the right thing otherwise they will be the cause of your whole family being wiped out.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:06 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP your guns left my grandmother having to bury her 17 year old son .... so take your comment and shove it

Im sorry for your loss and I wish it never happened but read Oracles comments to see the real GC mindset, thats why we need safeguards to make people like oracle do the right thing otherwise they will be the cause of your whole family being wiped out.

So, was I wrong and you were telling the truth about GCs eating TC babies, or burying them alive and decapitating their parents?
Or was it the bit about what a sick liar you are?

Frankly, I don't want anyone one like you anywhere near my family ... we are normal people!

Disgusting sick Turkish propagandist puppet ....
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Postby DT. » Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:18 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP your guns left my grandmother having to bury her 17 year old son .... so take your comment and shove it

Im sorry for your loss and I wish it never happened but read Oracles comments to see the real GC mindset, thats why we need safeguards to make people like oracle do the right thing otherwise they will be the cause of your whole family being wiped out.

So who are the fanatics that killed that boy vp? And who are the fanatics that killed GC babies? Are we mad to trust your fanatics?

How do we trust a TC will not stab a GC in the back as you're convinced a GC will VP?

On second thoughts, forget I asked any of this VP.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:20 pm

DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP your guns left my grandmother having to bury her 17 year old son .... so take your comment and shove it

Im sorry for your loss and I wish it never happened but read Oracles comments to see the real GC mindset, thats why we need safeguards to make people like oracle do the right thing otherwise they will be the cause of your whole family being wiped out.

So who are the fanatics that killed that boy vp? And who are the fanatics that killed GC babies? Are we mad to trust your fanatics?

No I dont ask that, you to need safeguards as well and I understand your fear of the Turkish Army thats why I agree they should leave as soon as we agree a comprehensive solution.
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Postby DT. » Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:30 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP your guns left my grandmother having to bury her 17 year old son .... so take your comment and shove it

Im sorry for your loss and I wish it never happened but read Oracles comments to see the real GC mindset, thats why we need safeguards to make people like oracle do the right thing otherwise they will be the cause of your whole family being wiped out.

So who are the fanatics that killed that boy vp? And who are the fanatics that killed GC babies? Are we mad to trust your fanatics?

No I dont ask that, you to need safeguards as well and I understand your fear of the Turkish Army thats why I agree they should leave as soon as we agree a comprehensive solution.

TC's active in the TMT are guilty of killing GC babies too VP. What do we do with the TC's to regain our trust?
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:04 am

since when was the north invaded cyprus a country? and secure?!?
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