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Moving to Cyprus - info wanted!!!!

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Moving to Cyprus - info wanted!!!!

Postby Cas » Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:40 pm

Hi all!!!
Have visited Cyprus twice and love the country, myself and my family are interested in finding out information about making the move to Cyprus permanently.
Are there any Cypriot or British families living in Cyprus that would like to email me so that we can talk more about this, or does anyone know of any good websites etc that could answer my questions.
Please let me know via this forum and I will get in contact with you.
Only genuine families please this is a family hoping to move to Cyprus - I am not trying to find a relationship!!!!
Thanks very much
Cas :P
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Postby demetriou_74 » Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:46 pm

welcome to the forum but i am useless on this subject. only thing is to contact the Cyprus embassy.
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Moving to Cyprus

Postby Bessima » Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:01 pm

Hi Cas

We are going to Cyprus tomorrow to look at properties. Sites that may interest you

It's a maze out there but definitely worth a look. We have been to Cyprus many times on holiday but realise making a home there is very different. Good luck!

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Postby city » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:42 pm

Hi cas, welcome to the forum. My advise is you browse through this forum; there is already loads of info on moving to Cyprus (kids, school, transport, cars, pets). You will need some time though..... to "collect" every single bit. Over the time it just became to much for someone to simply summarize it in one single post.
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Postby Michael Coumas » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:39 am

Hi Cas
Welcome. Pick your way through these threads and try google for Cyprus Living, Cyprus eastern owners and buyers & Cyprus property owners and buyers. There are a thousand links out there and you will need weeks if not months to sift through it all. A lot of Brits go out & settle into a Cypriot way of life and blend into the local community there are of course some who go out & insist on importing their little bit of Britain too wether it is in keeping with the local community or not, that type of Individual may have a hard time settling. My advice is rent for a while first. If you feel you can embrace the local Cypriot ways and traditions and respect the fact that it is the Cypriots Land then you will have a fair chance of being accepted into the extended Cypriot family which is Global. A more hospitable people you will be hard pushed to find - but there again I am biased.
Good Luck
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Postby rotate » Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:19 pm

Hello Cas,
I agree with what 'Michael Coumas' had to say about moving to Cyprus. Its a great place to live the majority of Cypriots being good hearted, honest and patient when dealing with foreigners.

Married to a Cypriot I've lived here on and off since 1972 so I've seen the good and bad sides of Cyprus, but I'm still here so there must have been more good than bad. If you want to live in the real Cyprus, head off for the inland villages where there are no other ex-pats around, this may seem a 'sink or swim' option but if you choose the right village your Cypriot neighbours will not let you sink.

Caution should be exercised if you decide to purchase a property here (even the Cypriots get caught out!). Land title deeds can be a real bone of contention. Find your own lawyer, under no circumstances use a developers lawyer or one recommended by the seller.

We are firm believers in being able to touch and see what we are buying and have only ever parted with cash for completed properties. However precautionary measures are of no help when you are caught up in circumstance beyond your control and so far we have lost two homes as well as other property owned solely by my wife (Famagusta 1974 coup and subsequent 'Peace Keeping Operation'. Larnaca 1998 corrupt police officers, municipality officials and Eastern European suppliers of young women).

If I've learnt anything about property in Cyprus it is always to keep property in the UK!
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Postby realwahl » Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:16 pm


Take a look also at for experiences and some stories of other expats in Cyprus. You could learn from their experience.

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Postby Alex L » Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:20 pm


Some good advice up above. We are thinking of moving out at some point, and my father is in the process of building a house near Limassol. From what I have read on this board, education and healthcare both sound promising for the average family (there are cheap private schools where your children can be educated in English if that is your wish), though I would echo the comments above about integrateing with the Cypriot community rather than living in an ex-pat oupost. You would do well to develop any local contacts you might have when buying property, and be cautious.

The only negative that I managed to find was the apparent national liking for posioning household pets.

That aside, Cyprus seems like a really nice place to live, and I hope it goes well for you.
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Postby andria » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:36 pm


I recently visit I found there a lot of information about moving to cyprus, taxes, jobs, shops, real estate requirments, education, goverment and much more.

I addition if you want to bring furniture, car or pets with you. there some useful info and contacts...
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Postby dms007 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:49 pm

check out the msn message group called "cyprusliving"
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