Icarus wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Icarus wrote:Get Real! wrote:Oracle wrote:Reh DT. .... how can you insult poor Paphitis by confusing him with Andros oopps I mean Icarus
How can you confuse Icarus, err… I mean Paphitis, err… I mean Andros, with Free_Cyprus?
I have been reading many threads and it is obvious your arse has been toast for the last 3 months...
Do you like making a fool of yourself?
DT, Paphitis, Oracle, Piratis, Yialousa and Alexis have been raping you on this forum....and you keep coming back for more as if you crave their attention... Even the Turks are running rings around you..
Icarus, kindly leave young GR alone. Years and years of fighting the TCs, he now sees the light. Stop bullying him; poor thing.
We need all the help we can get.
I just knew he was young.
Puberty leads to all soughts of emotional outbursts, particularly if he is in his late teens and not getting a lot of action...
One day he will grow up into a fine young man.
Is this newbie for real? Run along dude before you get mauled…