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Military spending

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Postby YFred » Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:18 am

Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

No, lets be realistic, they are better armed, lets say, 2 weeks in Limasol harbour.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:27 am

YFred wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

No, lets be realistic, they are better armed, lets say, 2 weeks in Limasol harbour.

Whenever you fantasize of the Turkish military doing one thing or the other to the RoC, don’t EVER forget to also include in your dreams what the National Guard will simultaneously be doing to your now gathered community, because there’s no such thing as a one-sided war when both sides are armed to the teeth, so you can forget about the 74 Turkish cakewalk as it will NEVER be repeated again!
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Postby YFred » Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:50 am

Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

No, lets be realistic, they are better armed, lets say, 2 weeks in Limasol harbour.

Whenever you fantasize of the Turkish military doing one thing or the other to the RoC, don’t EVER forget to also include in your dreams what the National Guard will simultaneously be doing to your now gathered community, because there’s no such thing as a one-sided war when both sides are armed to the teeth, so you can forget about the 74 Turkish cakewalk as it will NEVER be repeated again!

Do you actually believe what you are saying? or are you just a wind up merchant?
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:59 am

YFred wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

No, lets be realistic, they are better armed, lets say, 2 weeks in Limasol harbour.

Whenever you fantasize of the Turkish military doing one thing or the other to the RoC, don’t EVER forget to also include in your dreams what the National Guard will simultaneously be doing to your now gathered community, because there’s no such thing as a one-sided war when both sides are armed to the teeth, so you can forget about the 74 Turkish cakewalk as it will NEVER be repeated again!

Do you actually believe what you are saying? or are you just a wind up merchant?

I've never been more serious in my life.
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Postby EPSILON » Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

No, lets be realistic, they are better armed, lets say, 2 weeks in Limasol harbour.

Whenever you fantasize of the Turkish military doing one thing or the other to the RoC, don’t EVER forget to also include in your dreams what the National Guard will simultaneously be doing to your now gathered community, because there’s no such thing as a one-sided war when both sides are armed to the teeth, so you can forget about the 74 Turkish cakewalk as it will NEVER be repeated again!

Hopefully ROC government and particularly NG leadesrhip do not have the same picture and believe like yours.Lets hope that they are much more realistics and have already made an agreement with the zoo leading Greece during the last 15 years, despite any Choirokitian routes you consider we have.
Lets hope that , if necessary, Turks will be requested to prove that they can fight against a proper army.
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Postby EPSILON » Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:43 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

No, lets be realistic, they are better armed, lets say, 2 weeks in Limasol harbour.

Whenever you fantasize of the Turkish military doing one thing or the other to the RoC, don’t EVER forget to also include in your dreams what the National Guard will simultaneously be doing to your now gathered community, because there’s no such thing as a one-sided war when both sides are armed to the teeth, so you can forget about the 74 Turkish cakewalk as it will NEVER be repeated again!

Hopefully ROC government and particularly NG leadesrhip do not have the same picture and believe like yours.Lets hope that they are much more realistics and have already made an agreement with the zoo leading Greece during the last 15 years, despite any Choirokitian routes you consider we have.
Lets hope that , if necessary, Turks will be requested to prove that they can fight against a proper army.

Further to my above

Σε χθεσινή συνεδρία της Kοινοβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Άμυνας, επισημάνθηκε από τον Υπουργό Άμυνας Κώστα Παπακώστα, ότι έχει συναφθεί στρατιωτική συμφωνία με την Ελλάδα, η οποία αναβαθμίζει και δρομολογεί το Ενιαίο Αμυντικό Δόγμα, ώστε να μπορεί να λειτουργήσει σε επίπεδο διεθνούς δικαίου.
Βάσει αυτού, είναι απόλυτα φυσικό, οι Αρχές της Δημοκρατίας, σε περίπτωση σοβαρής παρενόχλησης, να ζητήσουν την παρουσία και του Ελληνικού Στόλου στις υποθαλάσσιες έρευνες. Το θέμα άπτεται της ίδιας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, επισημάνθηκε από τον Πρόεδρο της Επιτροπής Άμυνας Γιαννάκη Ομήρου, η οποία θα κληθεί να καλύψει την Κύπρο στην καθ’ όλα νόμιμη προσπάθειά της για την ανόρυξη υδρογονανθράκων. Η ενάσκηση των κυριαρχικών δικαιωμάτων της χώρας μας δεν επηρεάζεται, ούτε συνδέεται με την εξέλιξη των συνομιλιών για το Κυπριακό. Στην περίπτωση που η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία αξιοποιήσει τα πετρέλαια που βρίσκονται στον υποθαλάσσιο χώρο της, τότε το όφελος θα μπορεί να διαχυθεί στο σύνολο των Κυπρίων. Η συζήτηση του κρίσιμου αυτού θέματος θα συνεχιστεί.

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