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Military spending

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Postby AWE » Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:43 am

Get Real! wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Let's put it this way, the National Guard’s…

Main Battle Tanks 415
Armored Fighting Vehicles 220
Armored Personnel Carriers 211
Self-Propelled Artillery 24
Towed Artillery 114
Air Defense Systems 48+
Rocket Launchers 42
Anti-Tank Weapons 1,513

Are enough to roast YOUR sorry GC-property thieving arse from here to kingdom come! Image

Hi GR, might be more like 115 MBT than 415 - even the UK operates 408 Challenger 2s and Turkey operates 339 Leopard 2s
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:36 pm

EPSILON wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

If the aim was what you are stating above the arms would be different-much more different- A chief of National Guard left Cyprus several years ago just because of the kind of arms ROC is buying.
ROC seems to have a clear picture of its capabilities and therefore the aim here is just in any case, Turks to not just make a walk down to Limassol or Paphos but at least, aa) this to mean some serious life and other costs and secondly and more serious is just for Turks to need much more than the 5 mnts you quoted above.This just to obtain time for some foreign intervasions and particularly giving time to a certain country to became angry enough and show what real navy means (Turks need some lessons in this regard) as well as Turks to be asked to give some proficiency examinations in their air forces!!!!

"giving time to a certain country to became angry enough and show what real navy means"
They didn't help you the last time Johnny Turk came to visit you. What makes you think they would the "next" time?
Real Navy? I'm sorry the Royal Navy wouldn't want to get involved.
You'd be on your own again.
p.s. Don't worry though - while Turkey still thinks it has a chance of EU entry, they'll leave you alone. Careful with that veto though, or you might need those tanks.
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:42 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

If the aim was what you are stating above the arms would be different-much more different- A chief of National Guard left Cyprus several years ago just because of the kind of arms ROC is buying.
ROC seems to have a clear picture of its capabilities and therefore the aim here is just in any case, Turks to not just make a walk down to Limassol or Paphos but at least, aa) this to mean some serious life and other costs and secondly and more serious is just for Turks to need much more than the 5 mnts you quoted above.This just to obtain time for some foreign intervasions and particularly giving time to a certain country to became angry enough and show what real navy means (Turks need some lessons in this regard) as well as Turks to be asked to give some proficiency examinations in their air forces!!!!

"giving time to a certain country to became angry enough and show what real navy means"
They didn't help you the last time Johnny Turk came to visit you. What makes you think they would the "next" time?
Real Navy? I'm sorry the Royal Navy wouldn't want to get involved.
You'd be on your own again.
p.s. Don't worry though - while Turkey still thinks it has a chance of EU entry, they'll leave you alone. Careful with that veto though, or you might need those tanks.

One more, confusing a junta regime with a democratic state.If something happen in Cyprus and Greece do not involve then the Greek politicians will be sent to Mars by the people here.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:53 pm

Just what, in this day and age, has Greece got to do with Cyprus? You may speak a similar language and you probably like holding each others hands, but that's about it.
How will the people in Cyprus send Greek politicians to Mars? Do Cypriots get to vote in Greek elections now?
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Postby Gregory » Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:26 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:Just what, in this day and age, has Greece got to do with Cyprus? You may speak a similar language and you probably like holding each others hands, but that's about it.
How will the people in Cyprus send Greek politicians to Mars? Do Cypriots get to vote in Greek elections now?

Cyprus is an independent country, it can handle any attacks on its soil in conjunction with a diplomatic battle waged at the same time. Reinforcements and re-supply will be crucial to the Turks and if that is interrupted then 30,000 Turkish soldiers on the island will be sitting ducks. Plainly speaking there's no where for them to go. Should a conventional defence fail by Cyprus then a guerilla war will begin. There will always be some Cypriot hiding somewhere behind a tree shooting at a Turkish soldier. I don't care if you dump 1 million soldiers on the island, it won't change a damn thing. There will never be any full control exercised by a conventional army on this island unless it belongs to its people.

Greece may not choose to aid Cyprus but opportunity to strike north while Turkey is involved in Cyprus in the south will be too great to miss. Then Turkey needs to fear its East as well.

You see, a country doesn't need to fight in Cyprus in order to help us but the opportunity to spread Turkey's forces in 4 directions will be there, and that is help enough. Had Turkey not cultivated 100's of years of grievances with its neighbours then she would not be in the position she is in today where she cannot be sure that ANY ONE of its neighbours will not attack if given the chance.

Which other country sits amongst enemies? I'll tell you what, I understand why Turkish Generals are so paranoid now. There will never be such a thing as a one front war for them.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:42 pm

Wow Gregory, man. You're wasted on this BB.
To answer some of your points.
1. Northern Cyprus is one of the most heavily militarized places in the world. There are 30,000 troops here with all the stores and materiel they need for a long war - which it wouldn't be. A guerilla war may make the guerillas happy but would be cold comfort for the dear departed. Turkey has been fighting a guerilla war with the PKK for years and you don't see it giving up any time soon.
2. Greece would no more want to attack Turkey next time any more than she did last time. A hiding to nothing, springs to mind. Turkeys east is occupied with countries like Iraq and Iran who have no axe to grind with Turkey, a Nato member and favourite of the USofA..

Like I said, you're on your own on this one.
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Postby pissouri » Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:44 pm

Although "Vaughanwilliams" has a point, I think the best option for conquering and over running a country is not by force of arms but as follows:

Flood into the country as migrate workers, political refugees, illegal imigrants, etc.
Don't learn English, don't adopt the customs, etc.
Build mosques, ask that the country adopt your customs and religion, don't pay taxes, form ghettos, etc.
Any culture or traditions that the country had are now more or less gone.
The actual nationals of that country will then find some some island in the Med to emigrate too.
These bitter nationals with a chip on their shoulder, now living in the island in the Med, will spend endless hours drinking them selves silly and posting on forums.

Does this sound familar Vaughanwilliams?
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Postby Mr. T » Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:31 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:48 pm

Mr. T wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:If it wasn't such a joke, I'd laugh.
You don't really think all the money you spend on armaments is so you could attack the North and "take it back" (dream on)?
Or to attack the SBA's so you could "take them back" (keep dreaming)?
Or to defend yourself (for 5 minutes) from the Turks if they decided to have a go?
Do you think a country like GB spends billions on arms to protect itself from the French or the Irish?

So what is it for?
If maybe you sent some of your soldiers to Afghanistan to fight alongside REAL soldiers with all the expensive kit you have bought - I'd understand. Then you'd be putting your money where your mouth is.
Anything less is just posing and a waste of your taxes.

Now VW, don't exagerate. It is silly to say that it would only take 5 minutes to obliterate the so called GC army.

It could take as long as 6 minutes.

It took Turkey's 40,000 strong landing 2-3 weeks and 800 casualties in 1974 when Cyprus had NO army!

Go figure… :lol:
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:09 am

vaughanwilliams wrote:Wow Gregory, man. You're wasted on this BB.
To answer some of your points.
1. Northern Cyprus is one of the most heavily militarized places in the world. There are 30,000 troops here with all the stores and materiel they need for a long war - which it wouldn't be. A guerilla war may make the guerillas happy but would be cold comfort for the dear departed. Turkey has been fighting a guerilla war with the PKK for years and you don't see it giving up any time soon.
2. Greece would no more want to attack Turkey next time any more than she did last time. A hiding to nothing, springs to mind. Turkeys east is occupied with countries like Iraq and Iran who have no axe to grind with Turkey, a Nato member and favourite of the USofA..

Like I said, you're on your own on this one.

My dear Soapdodger,

A war is very much like a product. Its all about marketing and having an angle to it. Firstly there will be a few no no's that turkey will NOT be permitted to do.

1) bombard an EU capital
2) target civilians
3) overthrow an EU govt

TO explain in more detail, there needs to be a reason to attack...we've got WMD's (not a popular choice these days), we've invaded a smaller country (not very likely) we fired first into Turkey ( we're not that stupid)

So taking all this into account and considering that Nicosia is a modern EU capital with a horde of media already here along with the biggest foreign press agencies, it will be a little difficult for Turkey to bomb Nicosia and Larnaca Airport and then march its troops like Hitler into the cities. At the same time overthrowing the govt.

Now that's how your hands will be tied in the international arena my tree hugging friend. Now lastly consider the freedom and marketing potential we will have in case you attack.

Can you see the Washington Posts headlines now?


or the TIMES

Cypriot forces have launched courageous counter attack

how about International Herald Tribune?
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