denizaksulu wrote:Floda wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Its a bit late for the Panayia of Kykkos now.
RIP all those innocents.
AND,.....................'RIP OFF' all the all accounts.
For a moment I thought you had grown up. You seem to make light of the thread. Go and put a donkeys saddle over your head.
In actual fact my friend, the remark I make is probably the only one that has any real significance relative to the area in question.
If you wish to believe in the presence of 'Ghosts' and 'Demons', that is a matter for your own conscience.
All the niceties of wishing those who were murdered in cold blood to R.I.P. (correctly presented) may serve to give the impression that one has some respect for the innocent victims.
The reality is, that the survivors were and are 'Ripped/Being Ripped Off' and I make no apology for mentioning the fact.
'Ghosts' I do not believe in, as to 'Demons', yes, there still are some in the vicinity, you will recognise them by their shabby uniforms. IMHO.