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Wise Words.....Too Late.

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Wise Words.....Too Late.

Postby Floda » Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:40 am

President Obama clearly stated in his speech at the Cairo University that :-

"No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other".

What a pity the US and UK government's Foreign Policy makers failed to apply such reasoning years ago, had they, there would surely be less strife in the world today. :idea:
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Re: Wise Words.....Too Late.

Postby Hatter » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:23 am

Floda wrote:President Obama clearly stated in his speech at the Cairo University that :-

"No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other".

What a pity the US and UK government's Foreign Policy makers failed to apply such reasoning years ago, had they, there would surely be less strife in the world today. :idea:

But if there was less strife in the world, then what pretext would they have had for their interventions?
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Re: Wise Words.....Too Late.

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:25 am

Floda wrote:President Obama clearly stated in his speech at the Cairo University that :-

"No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other".

What a pity the US and UK government's Foreign Policy makers failed to apply such reasoning years ago, had they, there would surely be less strife in the world today. :idea:

It's like you only picked up half the irony Floda... :lol: while Obama was saying that in Cairo, his army was in Afghanistan protecting the puppet government the US had installed after overthrowing the Taliban government!
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Re: Wise Words.....Too Late.

Postby Floda » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:48 am

Get Real! wrote:
Floda wrote:President Obama clearly stated in his speech at the Cairo University that :-

"No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other".

What a pity the US and UK government's Foreign Policy makers failed to apply such reasoning years ago, had they, there would surely be less strife in the world today. :idea:

It's like you only picked up half the irony Floda... :lol: while Obama was saying that in Cairo, his army was in Afghanistan protecting the puppet government the US had installed after overthrowing the Taliban government!

Absolutely GR, one could select so many events both past and present which (if associated to that statement) were and are the actions of the US/UK and allies, the irony of those few words would make you laugh if they did not make you cry.

Obama has also made mention of the awful amount of innocents that have been slaughtered in recent times, I can only imagine that he has forgotten about the unlawful bombardment of Iraq already.

The general consensus of opinion seems to be that Obama is trying to patch up the damage done by his predecessor, the possibility also exists that the Yanks (like the Brits and others associated with their evils) have come to realise that they have had (and are still having) their arses kicked. IMHO. :lol:
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Postby Floda » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:59 am

Three months after the Cairo speech it would appear that the 'Wise Words' have been forgotten.

The Yanks are apparently greatly peeved at the results of the Afghanistanian election results since it would appear that their 'Preferred' candidate has come second.

Stand by for the usual barrage of condemnation from those who declare that there should be no impositions of one nation upon another as they (The Yanks) attempt to tarnish the results by declaring them fraudulantly obtained.

Strange how such claims of 'Rigged Elections' 'Voters under Threat' 'Forged Ballot Papers' etc, etc, seem to appear whenever results do not coincide with the expectations (or desires) of those nations which do not wish to impose their will upon others.

Have the results of the Palestinian elections (and the furore which followed the election of Hamas) been consigned to the archives because they were unacceptable to Bush, Blair and Olmert ?.

Did we not hear the same stories during the campaign to oust Robert Mugabe in the Zimbabwean elections ?.

Did we not hear the same stories during the elections in Iran ?.

Are we not aware of the 'Puppet Government' which now presumably (and only presumably) wields power in Iraq ?.

So strange that no nation ( other than those of the West) appears to be capable of conducting their own affairs WITHOUT the very imposition President Obama referred to in his Cairo speech.

Just a little jog for our memories at a time when Gordon Brown is involved in talks with 'Mad Dog Gadaffi', when Western leaders are considering that it might be beneficial to 'Talk' to the Taliban rather than fight them, when the sanctions imposed upon the Zimbabwean nation are under scrutiny and will probably (please God) be lifted and the suffering of those unfortunates alleviated.

Makes one wonder what 'Treats' those same (and other) leaders may have in store for us in Cyprus. (IMHO :wink:
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