Kikapu wrote:umit07 wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Or Kikapus "True Democracy and Human Rights" GC double standards prime examples of what you would face in a united Cyprus.
As I've stated (warned) to you before, that unless the TC's come to a settlement with the GC's under True Democracy and respecting Human Rights along with international laws, the island of Cyprus will become a "Greek" island on the long term no matter how many settlers you may import to Cyprus to change the demographics, because they (settlers) will always be considered as illegal aliens and not as citizens and no one can make them become citizens, even the EU, if the GC's will not allow it. To make matters worse, the True TC's are leaving Cyprus with their RoC EU passports and the remaining TC's are being swallowed by the settlers, and since any child born to a TC mother with a settler father, they too (child and father) will not be considered as being a TC. You do the math and see what numbers you will get. The only way the island will not become a pure "Greek" island is by TC's being part of the Cypriot society as equal citizens under True Democracy and Human Rights.! So make jokes about Democracy and Human Rights all you want, because without them, you will not have a settlement, and without a settlement, you will have a "Greek" Cyprus in the long run and a lot of illegal aliens and not too many TC's.!
Actually Kiks a child with a TC mother and a Turkish father is recognized as a "Cypriot Citizen", the case does not apply in the opposite scenario ( ie Turkish mother, TC father), I've got no idea why.
When it comes to the settler issue, I'd say it's the big deal buster for any solution.
Then there's something wrong with this picture Umit07, because our good friend T_C has a TC mother and a Turkish (Turk) father and he is under the impression that he is not seen as a TC in the eyes of the RoC. It was also repeated by others also as I've stated, that a Turkish (Turk)
father and a TC mother, that the child is not a TC.!
I don't know about T_C, but I know of two people in the same situation as above that work in the south. I also had a classmate from high school with a TC mother and Pakistani father who held a Cypriot passport.