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VP's Propaganda program has a glitch. Upgrade needed.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby DT. » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:43 am

Yeah but, what about the fact that no one recognises that pac-man flag of theirs just like that story with the donkey and the saddle and the horse. :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:57 pm

But its perfect for the GC people they are and always will be donkeys and stubborn ones at that but because they have placed an EU saddle on their backs they think they are race horses...brilliant makes me laugh everytime....and describes you people down to the ground. You think you have chnaged when all you have done is changed the packaging the contect and ultimate aim is still the same to use your numerical advanatage to erase our community rights and turn us into just another minority in a GC state run by GCs.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:04 pm

Viewpoint wrote:But its perfect for the GC people they are and always will be donkeys and stubborn ones at that but because they have placed an EU saddle on their backs they think they are race horses...brilliant makes me laugh everytime....and describes you people down to the ground. You think you have chnaged when all you have done is changed the packaging the contect and ultimate aim is still the same to use your numerical advanatage to erase our community rights and turn us into just another minority in a GC state run by GCs.

You WISH you lived under the RoC with all its privileges and liberties, and opportunities… :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:But its perfect for the GC people they are and always will be donkeys and stubborn ones at that but because they have placed an EU saddle on their backs they think they are race horses...brilliant makes me laugh everytime....and describes you people down to the ground. You think you have chnaged when all you have done is changed the packaging the contect and ultimate aim is still the same to use your numerical advanatage to erase our community rights and turn us into just another minority in a GC state run by GCs.

You WISH you lived under the RoC with all its privileges and liberties, and opportunities… :lol:

exactly :lol: I dont want to live in a GC state thats why I reside in the TRNC.
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Re: VP's Propaganda program has a glitch. Upgrade needed.

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:51 pm

DT. wrote:On behalf of the "trnc" propaganda office we'd like to issue a big apology to all our agents out there with regards to the VP 2006 Prop Program.

Apparently the software has encountered a bug and has been on a loop repeating the same line for the past 3 years. We're dealing with this and hope to have it resolved in the next few months as the dept won't be around after that due to cut-backs. (The "parliament canteen is merging with the interiors ministry.)

We've located most of the glitches and list them below should you find anymore please notify us at [email protected]

Jan 11 2006

your are saying place the saddle of a full bred horse on a donkey Im sure we would all soon fall off. The saddle has to be tailored to fit the donkey so that we do not ever fall off again.

Dec 16 2006

Somethings never they say put a EU saddle on a donkey its still a donkey.

Jan 15th 2007

The saying you can put a saddle on a donkey but it don't make it a horse come to mind.

June 5 2007

Placing a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse its still a donkey.

Oct 8 2007

I have my doubts placing a racing horse saddle on donkey does not make it a race horse.

Oct 14 2007

speeking Greek allows you to be European, putting a racing saddle on a donkey doesnt make the donkey a racing horse far from it....guess who the donkey is? = "RoC"...

Oct 26th 2007

the saying that is a like to GCs in EU is you can out a saddle on a donkey dont make it a race horse.

May 8 2008

You GCs are just as uncivilized today as you have ever been, placing a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse.

May 28 2008

Placing a saddle on a donkey does not make it a race horse.

June 11th 2008

and for me all this talk of the south being a EU country is like putting a saddle on a donkey it doesn't make it a racehorse

June 22nd 2008
You can place a saddle on a donkey="RoC" doesnt make it a race horse, you are living proof nothing has changed in the south.

June 23rd 2008

(a slight variation)
So that will be never, nice to now you will die for your beliefs, another donkey with a saddle on his back..

July 2nd 2008

for us you are a donkey with a saddle on your back trying to be a race horse, but you are still a donkey

July 3rd 2008

nothing has chnaged you are a donkey with a saddle on your back which you think makes you a race horse

July 7th 2008

beware TCs this is just the tip of the iceberg opinions have not changed and they have put a saddle on a donkey the "RoC" hoping they can call it a race horse.

July 8th 2008

Puh you people will never change, its a matter of a saddle on a donkey yet again.

Aug 17th 2008

Like I always say placing a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse.

Aug 23rd 2008

GC make feeble excuses and try to sweep it under the carpet, nothing has really changed, you can place a saddle on a donkey dont make it a race horse.

Sep 7th 2008
You can place a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse.

Oct 1st 2008
You can place a saddle on a donkey ("RoC") but it doesnt make it a race horse (EU).

Oct 4th 2008
You and people like you still think because you have a saddle on your back you are a race horse but I wont lie to you, you look act and sound like the donkey you have always been a stubborn donkey, nothing has changed.

Oct 10th 2008
You may have a new saddle on your back and think you are a race horse but the "RoC" is still a donkey believe me, GC mentality has not changed one iota towards TCs.

Oct 27th 2008
as we all know placing a saddle on a donkey dont make it a race horse.

Oct 27th 2008
place a saddle on a donkey=GCs doesnt mean its a race horse.

Dec 16th 2008
ho have yet to prove that their donkey which has a saddle on it is in fact a race horse,

Jan 28th 2009
you can place a saddle on a donkey doesnt mean it makes it a race horse.

Feb 8th 2009
Place a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse,

Mar 31st 2009

The old addage comes to mind about the "RoC" placing a saddle on a donkey does not make it a race horse.

May 2nd 2009
Bloody cheek, look whos talking you may have a saddle on your back but it dont make you a race horse you are still a donkey.

May 26th 2009
You may place a saddle on the donkey = GCS that doesnt make it a race horse.

June 4th 2009
a saddle does not maketh the donkey a race horse, you are kidding only yourselves.

If I had half your patience DT, I would have collated Piratis' 'glitches' which would fill 50 pages.. Perhaps you would do me a favour and oblige!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:57 pm

Or Kikapus "True Democracy and Human Rights" GC double standards prime examples of what you would face in a united Cyprus.
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Postby growuptcs » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:17 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Or Kikapus "True Democracy and Human Rights" GC double standards prime examples of what you would face in a united Cyprus.

Or any EU country.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:26 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Or Kikapus "True Democracy and Human Rights" GC double standards prime examples of what you would face in a united Cyprus.

As I've stated (warned) to you before, that unless the TC's come to a settlement with the GC's under True Democracy and respecting Human Rights along with international laws, the island of Cyprus will become a "Greek" island on the long term no matter how many settlers you may import to Cyprus to change the demographics, because they (settlers) will always be considered as illegal aliens and not as citizens and no one can make them become citizens, even the EU, if the GC's will not allow it. To make matters worse, the True TC's are leaving Cyprus with their RoC EU passports and the remaining TC's are being swallowed by the settlers, and since any child born to a TC mother with a settler father, they too (child and father) will not be considered as being a TC. You do the math and see what numbers you will get. The only way the island will not become a pure "Greek" island is by TC's being part of the Cypriot society as equal citizens under True Democracy and Human Rights.! So make jokes about Democracy and Human Rights all you want, because without them, you will not have a settlement, and without a settlement, you will have a "Greek" Cyprus in the long run and a lot of illegal aliens and not too many TC's.!
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Postby umit07 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:54 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Or Kikapus "True Democracy and Human Rights" GC double standards prime examples of what you would face in a united Cyprus.

As I've stated (warned) to you before, that unless the TC's come to a settlement with the GC's under True Democracy and respecting Human Rights along with international laws, the island of Cyprus will become a "Greek" island on the long term no matter how many settlers you may import to Cyprus to change the demographics, because they (settlers) will always be considered as illegal aliens and not as citizens and no one can make them become citizens, even the EU, if the GC's will not allow it. To make matters worse, the True TC's are leaving Cyprus with their RoC EU passports and the remaining TC's are being swallowed by the settlers, and since any child born to a TC mother with a settler father, they too (child and father) will not be considered as being a TC. You do the math and see what numbers you will get. The only way the island will not become a pure "Greek" island is by TC's being part of the Cypriot society as equal citizens under True Democracy and Human Rights.! So make jokes about Democracy and Human Rights all you want, because without them, you will not have a settlement, and without a settlement, you will have a "Greek" Cyprus in the long run and a lot of illegal aliens and not too many TC's.!

Actually Kiks a child with a TC mother and a Turkish father is recognized as a "Cypriot Citizen", the case does not apply in the opposite scenario ( ie Turkish mother, TC father), I've got no idea why.

When it comes to the settler issue, I'd say it's the big deal buster for any solution.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:06 pm

umit07 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Or Kikapus "True Democracy and Human Rights" GC double standards prime examples of what you would face in a united Cyprus.

As I've stated (warned) to you before, that unless the TC's come to a settlement with the GC's under True Democracy and respecting Human Rights along with international laws, the island of Cyprus will become a "Greek" island on the long term no matter how many settlers you may import to Cyprus to change the demographics, because they (settlers) will always be considered as illegal aliens and not as citizens and no one can make them become citizens, even the EU, if the GC's will not allow it. To make matters worse, the True TC's are leaving Cyprus with their RoC EU passports and the remaining TC's are being swallowed by the settlers, and since any child born to a TC mother with a settler father, they too (child and father) will not be considered as being a TC. You do the math and see what numbers you will get. The only way the island will not become a pure "Greek" island is by TC's being part of the Cypriot society as equal citizens under True Democracy and Human Rights.! So make jokes about Democracy and Human Rights all you want, because without them, you will not have a settlement, and without a settlement, you will have a "Greek" Cyprus in the long run and a lot of illegal aliens and not too many TC's.!

Actually Kiks a child with a TC mother and a Turkish father is recognized as a "Cypriot Citizen", the case does not apply in the opposite scenario ( ie Turkish mother, TC father), I've got no idea why.

When it comes to the settler issue, I'd say it's the big deal buster for any solution.

Then there's something wrong with this picture, Umit07, because our good friend T_C has a TC mother and a Turkish (Turk) father and he is under the impression that he is not seen as a TC in the eyes of the RoC. It was also repeated by others as I've stated, that a Turkish (Turk) father and a TC mother, that the child is not a TC.! But in any case, the point being, that the 50% of the TC's will assist in making their offspring’s become illegal aliens and not a citizens under the present rules and conditions. How long before there are no TC citizens left in the eyes of the RoC. Not too long I would say.

As far as the settlers go, overwhelming majority will need to go back to Turkey, or else, if they do stay and are not given citizenships of the RoC, then they will be treated as 3rd class illegal aliens with massive discriminations against them, and not only from the GC's I may add, so much that, they will be happy to return back to their homeland, Turkey, with some cash given to them in their hands by the RoC.!
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