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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby halil » Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:02 pm


The two leaders have temporarily wrapped up discussions on the economy chapter today.
They will be starting talks on territory when they meet again next Thursday.

The opening of a crossing point in Yesilirmak(Limnidis) was also discussed at the tete-a-tete meeting between the two leaders.

Speaking to reporters upon his return to the Presidential Palace, President Mehmet Ali Talat said that they had temporarily concluded discussions on the economy chapter for the exception of a few small details on which they try to reach convergence on when they meet next week.

Talat said that next Thursday’s meeting will start earlier at 9 am and will begin with discussions on the economy chapter as well as the Yesilirmak crossing point before moving on to the next topic of territory.

Responding to questions as to whether or not a crossing point will be opened in Yesilirmak, the President said that they will continue to work on the issue and reminded that the matter was on the agenda of next week’s meeting.

Explaining that there was a great deal of convergence on the economy chapter, President Talat however underlined the need for certain transitional provisions so as to bridge the gap of differences that existed between the economies of the two sides.

“It is essential that we bridge the gap between the economies of the two sides if we want a united Cyprus” he added.

The President also pointed out that differences on the economy chapter were related to the duration of the transitional period to a unified economy in the event of a settlement.

He said that the Greek Cypriot Side envisaged a faster transitional period in the economy compared to the Turkish Cypriot Side.

“We too desire a quick transitional period but one that is in touch with the economic realities on the island” he said.

“Apart from this there are no serious differences between the two sides. We hope that we shall be able to iron out these differences when we meet next week.” he added.

Also touching upon the territory chapter, Talat said that discussions on issue will be restricted to determining principles and would not go any further than that at this stage in the talks.

Responding to a question as to whether the UN was preparing a settlement plan, Talat said there was no such attempt and that the final solution plan would be prepared by the two leaders.
He said that the only thing the Turkish Cypriot Side wanted from the UN was for it to take on a more active role in the process.

Separately, the UN Special Adviser Alexander Downer told the press at the end of today’s meeting that he was not working on a settlement blueprint for Cyprus as reported in the Greek Cypriot media.

“The role of the United Nations is to do what it can to help the two sides. But the United Nations isn’t in the game of writing blueprints. It is for the leaders to negotiate ultimately a comprehensive settlement, not for the United Nations to write blueprints. We have said that right from the beginning and that continues to be the case” Downer said.
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