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Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:14 am


That really is not fair is it? I don’t know whether you are in the UK or Cyprus but, I would think the UK as after yesterdays fire here it won’t be long before there aren’t any trees to climb to the top of!!!!

Why should my interest in political ‘things’, or my interests in general determine my domicile? After all, The President claims to be a communist so, why has he lived in Cyprus all these years and not in a communist country? Nowhere is perfect but if people like us talk intelligently about things like different manifestos and concepts, we could all benefit from a much broader understanding about how others feel.

One thought struck me. What if we were to put part of this manifesto, into a ‘Cyprus’ context? The repatriation policy with regard to non English residents of the UK, a subject the BNP is notorious for as having gross racist intentions.

What would be the response in Cyprus if the Government of the RoC made the following the following ‘once only, valid for 14 days’ offer only to all the ex-pats that live here as permanent residents?

• The government will buy up your house, with or without title deeds, for 80% of its actual market value. The value being the average of three independent valuations.
• It will set a special CGT at 10% for those taking up the offer who have resided here for five years or more (Permanent resident status).
• It will deal with the legal costs of selling your property to the government.
• Will pay removal costs of shipping your possessions back to your Country of Origin.
• Will pay your and your spouses one way economy air fare back to your Country of origin.
• To benefit from the offer you must agree to return to your country of origin.

It might even be worth having a poll on this.....the result could be enlightening.

The BNP policy is, as you say a bit outdated but, 100 years? I don’t think any of their policies would have applied then.

Multicultural Cyprus, maybe but, I think the UK takes the biscuit in Europe for being multicultural. I went to the UK briefly about four years ago and travelled on the Underground...........I was the only white Englishman on the trains, most of the time, and I barely heard English spoken! So, I prefer the Cypriot version...................
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Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:22 pm


Remember the saying...........'It takes one to know one!' has taken the British people a long time to find out what exactly is going on in their elected government, because these thieves have developed the skills of deception over decades of practice and refinement. Many countries haven't even started looking yet.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:39 pm

Well Robin Hood ... you must feel very proud!

Two BNP members representing Britain in the EU .... How useful is that! :roll:
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Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:51 pm


If you really believe all that you read about the BNP maybe now is the time to buy shares KRUPP?
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