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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:11 pm

Jerry wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Sort of makes sense.

How de we get rid of these 'chips on shoulders'. We have to learn to trust but most of all the new generation must be educated in a sensible way and not fed hatred.

It's not easy to stop new generations being fed hatred Deniz especially by some of the posters using this site. Judging by the blatant racism and Turk bashing that goes on here I'm surprised we are not war. Some people even appear to believe that we can solve the Cyprus Problem by telling the other side how much we hate them, I put it down to ignorance and lack of intellect.

Just 'keyboard Jingoism'. I hope!! :lol: Apart from the Ignoramus.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:09 pm

Dr J wrote:
More and more TC's will disagree with your above assertion. Like I do. Cyprus should be independant of any country. As we know a lot of damage has been done to the way we all think. Ways must be found to 'repair' the damage so we can achieve an independent Cyprus.

Very true but you cannot place restrictions on Greek Cypriots in any future settlement as it would be a reminder of colonial times. Giving Turkish Cypriots extra rights over Greek Cypriots would not make the average person confident in any constitution - especially if the rest of the EU states are allowed to have a real democracy.

If your people were under colonial rule for so long and suffered from many human rights violations - its going to have a lasting affect on the psychological perception of your former colonial rulers. Even today there are black people in the western world who see white people as former slave masters. Its the same with the Greek Cypriots and Greeks in general.

Forcing a constitution on us where Greek Cypriot citizens are told that they cant have the same rights or priveleges are Turkish Cypriots, or they cant live in a certain part of Cyprus because of their ethnicity, EVEN though it is there ancestrol home, is REALLY not going to help matters. It would be like we were under colonial rule again.

Does this make sense?

Does wanting a guaranteed say in our future being granted privileges, does wanting security a privilege? these are rights when you consider the problems we have experienced in our dark past.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:12 pm

Dr J wrote:Adding to that, to expect there to be a great deal of harmony now, taking into account how long the two communities have been apart and with no soluton being found - is totally unrealistic.

Put it this way, there are still slight issues between 'West Germans' and 'East Germans'. From my understanding they look down upon eachother still - and they are BOTH German.

These idiots that say because GC and TC dont skip around together wearing daisy chains around there necks, there will never be a peaceful society, are either stupid or have other agendas.

How do you see the role of TCs in a united Cyprus?
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:01 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Dr J wrote:Adding to that, to expect there to be a great deal of harmony now, taking into account how long the two communities have been apart and with no soluton being found - is totally unrealistic.

Put it this way, there are still slight issues between 'West Germans' and 'East Germans'. From my understanding they look down upon eachother still - and they are BOTH German.

These idiots that say because GC and TC dont skip around together wearing daisy chains around there necks, there will never be a peaceful society, are either stupid or have other agendas.

How do you see the role of TCs in a united Cyprus?

i know how Oracle sees the roll of TCs in a united cyprus. :lol:
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:06 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Dr J wrote:Adding to that, to expect there to be a great deal of harmony now, taking into account how long the two communities have been apart and with no soluton being found - is totally unrealistic.

Put it this way, there are still slight issues between 'West Germans' and 'East Germans'. From my understanding they look down upon eachother still - and they are BOTH German.

These idiots that say because GC and TC dont skip around together wearing daisy chains around there necks, there will never be a peaceful society, are either stupid or have other agendas.

How do you see the role of TCs in a united Cyprus?

The east and west germans were kept apart for decades. The tC's and the GC's have been mixing it up for the past 5 years. We use the same airports, supermarkets, hospitals and govt services. There hasn't been a day where I have not heard Turkish being spoken somewhere.

The roll of the TC's is to get on with their lives, be responsible democratic citizens of this country and to prosper and lead full and happy lives. Just like everyone else's role that has citizenship in this country.
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Postby Dr J » Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:57 am

Does wanting a guaranteed say in our future being granted privileges, does wanting security a privilege? these are rights when you consider the problems we have experienced in our dark past.

How many other governments in the EU would have a guaranteed 50% ethnic representation of a community that makes up less than 20%?? less than probably 15% now. Certain issues relating directly yo the Turkish Cypriot community could be decided upon by a higher majority of TC MP's I suppose. What we dont want is to be in the position where big decisions have to be made with regards to our country's future and Turkish Cypriots vetoing or generally abusing there power like Dr Faizal Kucuk did.

Also, it would be preposterous to think Greek Cypriots would even consider having Turkey as a 'security guarantor' after it totally violated its previous guarantorship and committed countless human rights abuses in 1974. Security could represented in the form of an EU / UN force.

How do you see the role of TCs in a united Cyprus?

Like what every other individual Cypriot should be trying to do. Getting on with their lives and being a good citizen. What did you want me to say? Being slaves??
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:53 am

Dr J wrote:

Does wanting a guaranteed say in our future being granted privileges, does wanting security a privilege? these are rights when you consider the problems we have experienced in our dark past.

How many other governments in the EU would have a guaranteed 50% ethnic representation of a community that makes up less than 20%?? less than probably 15% now. Certain issues relating directly yo the Turkish Cypriot community could be decided upon by a higher majority of TC MP's I suppose. What we dont want is to be in the position where big decisions have to be made with regards to our country's future and Turkish Cypriots vetoing or generally abusing there power like Dr Faizal Kucuk did.

Also, it would be preposterous to think Greek Cypriots would even consider having Turkey as a 'security guarantor' after it totally violated its previous guarantorship and committed countless human rights abuses in 1974. Security could represented in the form of an EU / UN force.

How do you see the role of TCs in a united Cyprus?

Like what every other individual Cypriot should be trying to do. Getting on with their lives and being a good citizen. What did you want me to say? Being slaves??

These are all fine words as long as the GCs do not use their majority to cause difficult hurdles to the TCs at every corner. Its up to the negotiators to find a 'democratic' way of ensuring these hurdles are not 'ethnicly' motivated.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:36 pm

Piratis wrote:Our refugees never called anything else as home. Where they live now they call it as "temporary".

The USA is a country of immigrants. You are not a Native American. While you love your Nation, you don't have such a strong attachment to a particular location. So don't compare yourself with Cypriots. Also it is the issue of property. People that own land which today can worth millions are now forced to live in some shitty refugee housing. The TCs who are the 18% of the population and own 18% of land, took twice as much with their invasion (36%) and over 50% of the coast line, the most valuable land in Cyprus. So it is not like you selling your apartment in New York and buying an apartment of equivalent value in Miami. It is like being thrown at gun point out of your luxury villa in a nice New York suburb and been send to live in a tent in South Dakota.

not comparing myself to cypriots, nor "my people."
and after 35 years, the cypriots are still living in "shitty refugee housing"? that's pretty pathetic, by any means.

and sorry it has taken me so long to respond, i have been pretty ill. but this one posting has really captured my imagination. cypriots living in "shitty refugee housing" for 35 years!!!!
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:57 pm

DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Dr J wrote:Adding to that, to expect there to be a great deal of harmony now, taking into account how long the two communities have been apart and with no soluton being found - is totally unrealistic.

Put it this way, there are still slight issues between 'West Germans' and 'East Germans'. From my understanding they look down upon eachother still - and they are BOTH German.

These idiots that say because GC and TC dont skip around together wearing daisy chains around there necks, there will never be a peaceful society, are either stupid or have other agendas.

How do you see the role of TCs in a united Cyprus?

The east and west germans were kept apart for decades. The tC's and the GC's have been mixing it up for the past 5 years. We use the same airports, supermarkets, hospitals and govt services. There hasn't been a day where I have not heard Turkish being spoken somewhere.

The roll of the TC's is to get on with their lives, be responsible democratic citizens of this country and to prosper and lead full and happy lives. Just like everyone else's role that has citizenship in this country.

Who will rule? what will happen if we TCs do not get a look in? are discriminated against when trying to pay our water bills? or get bombed by extremists GCs? or the Church brain washed into beliving we should be wiped out or are the evil of the earth?
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