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New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

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New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby halil » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:07 pm

According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby RichardB » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:16 pm

halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

Translation please Halil
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Floda » Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:29 pm

halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

M.O.B. :lol: :lol:
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:06 am

halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

That's very interesting, that the so called UN Annan Plan 2004 which had more than 9,000 pages is now down to only 50 pages with the supposed "New UN Plan".??

So, it took ONLY 50 pages to put together a "peace plan" based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights and International laws versus the complete opposite to the above with the AP 2004 with 9,000+ pages. Is there anymore doubt, that AP used up about 9,000 pages to try and disguise a partition plan, where a non partition plan only took 50 pages to write a "peace plan".! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby halil » Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:55 am

Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

That's very interesting, that the so called UN Annan Plan 2004 which had more than 9,000 pages is now down to only 50 pages with the supposed "New UN Plan".??

So, it took ONLY 50 pages to put together a "peace plan" based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights and International laws versus the complete opposite to the above with the AP 2004 with 9,000+ pages. Is there anymore doubt, that AP used up about 9,000 pages to try and disguise a partition plan, where a non partition plan only took 50 pages to write a "peace plan".! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kikapu started to manipulate again ................... :!: :!: :!:

@ RichardB....... Milliyet reporter , reports from Nicosia that he had this source from the well trusted sources ...... (don't ask me who are they .... :wink: )

It is going to be 50 pages frame work .....UN filed them since 1974 talks which they have been witnessed or being together with parties .

From this draft report sides will go on referendum .

Kıbrıs sorununun çözümü amacıyla KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Mehmet Ali Talat ile Rum Yönetimi lideri Dimitris Hristofyas arasında bir süreden beri devam eden görüşmelerin sonunda Birleşmiş Milletler’in (BM), liderlere yaklaşık 50 sayfalık yeni bir rapor sunacağı ve bu rapor üzerinden referanduma gidileceği ileri sürüldü.

There is a alegations ..... Since talks are goes on between Talat and Christofias at the end UN will introduce 50 pages new report and on this report there will be a referandum .

Milliyet’in güvenilir kaynaklardan elde ettiği bilgilere göre, BM Genel Sekreteri’nin Kıbrıs Özel Temsilcisi Alexander Downer, 2 haftadır KKTC’de kamp kurdu. Geçtiğimiz hafta sonunu Girne’de bir otelde geçiren Downer, işadamları ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının yöneticileriyle görüşmeler yaptı.

Milliyet obtained this information from credible sources .
Downer was in camp at TRNC for a 2 weeks period .He was staying one of the hotels in Kyrenia (Last week) He has a meetings with business men and civilian organizations in north.

BM, Talat ile Hristofyas arasında süren görüşmelerin “sekteye uğramasını” istemiyor.

UN does not want the talks beetween Talat and Christofias to fail .

Bu çerçevede, Talat ve Hristofyas görüşmesinin yanı sıra, 1974’ten sonra Türk ve Rum liderler arasında yapılan görüşmeler de incelenerek yeni bir rapor hazırlanacak.

In this frame . İncluding Talat and Christofias and beside after 1974 talks and all the talks between both sides will investigated and new rapor will make .

BM Genel Sekreteri’nin Kıbrıs Özel Temsilcisi Alexander Downer, yaklaşık 2 haftadır KKTC’deki sivil toplum kuruluşları, işadamları ve önde gelen şahsiyetlerle temaslarda bulunuyor. Downer’in temasları sırasında Kıbrıs Türk tarafının “hassasiyetlerini” dinlediği ve BM’nin Kıbrıs’ta aktif olarak devreye gireceği zaman nasıl bir tutum izlenmesi gerektiği konusunda bir ön çalışma yaptığı belirtildi.

Nearly 2 weeks Downer was in TRNC he listened all parties , business men and civilian organizations in Northern Cyprus . He has done pre work in North before the UN takes his way .... what kind of producer they can have ...

Downer’in temaslarını tamamlamasının ardından liderlere sunulacak rapora son şeklinin verileceği ifade edildi. Milliyet’e bilgi veren diplomatik kaynaklar, “liderlere sunulacak raporun, taslak anlaşmanın genel bir özeti olacağını ve bu nedenle Kıbrıs Türk tarafının çok dikkatli olması gerektiğine” vurgu yaptılar.

After the Downer compliting his works .... frame report will introduce to both side leders . The sources that gave this information to Milliyet this report will be general summary of the real agreement .Thats why Turkish Cyprits have to very carefull .

Milliyet SEFA KARAHASAN Lefkoşa

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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby zan » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:15 am

Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

That's very interesting, that the so called UN Annan Plan 2004 which had more than 9,000 pages is now down to only 50 pages with the supposed "New UN Plan".??

So, it took ONLY 50 pages to put together a "peace plan" based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights and International laws versus the complete opposite to the above with the AP 2004 with 9,000+ pages. Is there anymore doubt, that AP used up about 9,000 pages to try and disguise a partition plan, where a non partition plan only took 50 pages to write a "peace plan".! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If there is any more proof needed that you are full of Greek propaganda and for which side you are working for then I think this statement by you is it.....You have been told a thousand times that the plan was about 90 pages with 9,000 pages of local law, in which the UN tried to close any loop holes but you still want to manipulate the numbers to make it look worse than it is. The article does not mention that part of the plan and it might still be part of it. For further proof of your intentions I think we only look at the comparison you have made and the new tag you have placed on the plan without even reading it yet......FFS! :roll:
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby DT. » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:20 am

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

That's very interesting, that the so called UN Annan Plan 2004 which had more than 9,000 pages is now down to only 50 pages with the supposed "New UN Plan".??

So, it took ONLY 50 pages to put together a "peace plan" based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights and International laws versus the complete opposite to the above with the AP 2004 with 9,000+ pages. Is there anymore doubt, that AP used up about 9,000 pages to try and disguise a partition plan, where a non partition plan only took 50 pages to write a "peace plan".! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If there is any more proof needed that you are full of Greek propaganda and for which side you are working for then I think this statement by you is it.....You have been told a thousand times that the plan was about 90 pages with 9,000 pages of local law, in which the UN tried to close any loop holes but you still want to manipulate the numbers to make it look worse than it is. The article does not mention that part of the plan and it might still be part of it. For further proof of your intentions I think we only look at the comparison you have made and the new tag you have placed on the plan without even reading it yet......FFS! :roll:

The fact that you take any criticism on the annan plan as a an insult to tc's demonstrates clearly how one-sided and paritionist that plan was.
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby zan » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:31 am

DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

That's very interesting, that the so called UN Annan Plan 2004 which had more than 9,000 pages is now down to only 50 pages with the supposed "New UN Plan".??

So, it took ONLY 50 pages to put together a "peace plan" based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights and International laws versus the complete opposite to the above with the AP 2004 with 9,000+ pages. Is there anymore doubt, that AP used up about 9,000 pages to try and disguise a partition plan, where a non partition plan only took 50 pages to write a "peace plan".! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If there is any more proof needed that you are full of Greek propaganda and for which side you are working for then I think this statement by you is it.....You have been told a thousand times that the plan was about 90 pages with 9,000 pages of local law, in which the UN tried to close any loop holes but you still want to manipulate the numbers to make it look worse than it is. The article does not mention that part of the plan and it might still be part of it. For further proof of your intentions I think we only look at the comparison you have made and the new tag you have placed on the plan without even reading it yet......FFS! :roll:

The fact that you take any criticism on the annan plan as a an insult to tc's demonstrates clearly how one-sided and paritionist that plan was.

Nothing of the sort lover!!!! I just hate liars and manipulators of which Kikapu is one. :roll: Nice try at helping out your mate... :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:38 am

It does not say a NEW PLAN. It says a '50 page Report'. Is a report a plan?
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Re: New UN Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:57 am

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:According to Milliyet UN prepaired new Cyprus Plan
and plan will come after the talks .............. ... ame/KIBRIS

That's very interesting, that the so called UN Annan Plan 2004 which had more than 9,000 pages is now down to only 50 pages with the supposed "New UN Plan".??

So, it took ONLY 50 pages to put together a "peace plan" based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights and International laws versus the complete opposite to the above with the AP 2004 with 9,000+ pages. Is there anymore doubt, that AP used up about 9,000 pages to try and disguise a partition plan, where a non partition plan only took 50 pages to write a "peace plan".! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If there is any more proof needed that you are full of Greek propaganda and for which side you are working for then I think this statement by you is it.....You have been told a thousand times that the plan was about 90 pages with 9,000 pages of local law, in which the UN tried to close any loop holes but you still want to manipulate the numbers to make it look worse than it is. The article does not mention that part of the plan and it might still be part of it. For further proof of your intentions I think we only look at the comparison you have made and the new tag you have placed on the plan without even reading it yet......FFS! :roll:

So what are you saying, Zan, that the 9,000 pages of local laws which violated others Democratic, Human Rights, International laws as well as EU principles should not be counted as being part of a settlement package.? If you think they are not so important for you, then just throw them away, which you will then end up with 50 pages.!

The only thing that has been proven for a very long time is, that you are an anti Cypriot unity of the island just because you are a Fascistic NeoPartitionist who does not respect Democracy, Human Rights and International laws. Anyone who accepted the 2004 AP knowingly that it was a partition plan and not a "peace plan" does not have the best interest in their hearts for Cyprus and all Cypriots, and you and all the other NeoPartitionists being the followers of your beloved Denktash can only speak volumes of your fruitless propaganda on the forum. If you think all TC's are Racist Fascists like all you NeoPartitionists, then you are more Brain-dead than I ever thought you were.!
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