""""The most unfortunate part of the problems in Cyprus IMHO, is that the age old political manoeuvre of setting the population at each other's throats (via religious differences) has worked admirably here and the companionship enjoyed by our forefathers has been destroyed. """
Since when did religious differences played a significant or even a moderately law key role in the relations between the G/Cs and T/Cs ??
Religious differences were always there but never played a part that one can identify as a factor in the breakdown of peaceful co existence. NATIONALISM , MOTHERLAND NONSENSE & FOREIGN FLAGS ,
Miltiades, you are far too vulgar to be considered anything of a spokesperson for Cyprus.
There is a rather interesting difference (one of many) between you and I and I would like to explain this particular one.
You oft have declared yourself to be a 'Non Believer' in the power of the Almighty, yet you constantly practice the philosophy of 'Love thy enemy', so much so that you are ready to capitulate to the whim of the very nation (and others equally) that are directly responsible for the destruction of your own (or so you lay claim to Cyprus) yet still hurl abuse and show no respect for those you consider enemies.
Whereas I, who DOES believe in the power of the Almighty (and for sound reason) have a great deal of respect for my enemies even though I do hate them and seek to curry no favour from them.
You left Cyprus as a young man (as I understand) at a time when bold young men were needed in the struggles that beset the nation, you made your home in the land of the enemy (at that time) and are still resident there consistently in full support of each and every atrocity IT and it's Allies perpetrate on innocent nations.
One wonders how such a Cypriot (as you profess to be) has the gall to criticise and condemn anyone who has the temerity to oppose YOUR blinkered (at times) views.
Perhaps, as an older man now, you seek to make some restitution to Cyprus, perhaps you have a sense of guilt, whatever, I really do think that you are certainly ill-equipped to make such forceful comments (at times) particularly because you habitually propose the opinions of numerous others (politicians, news-reporters etc) fully aware that many have been discredited.
Do you really believe yourself to be a fit spokesperson for Cyprus armed with such a suspect C.V.