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todays F1 race

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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:01 pm

cannedmoose wrote:(not that I care, let them have their Indycar and Nascar nonsense). It has also severely damaged Michelin's reputation and will probably augur a one-tyre formula in the near future.

EXCUSE YOU!! watchin cars drive round and round in a circle is sooooooo much fun.

f1 is still great and the reason i was getting better was becasue of all the overtaking now Shui has fucked off. the 6 runners should of raced not poodled around for 73 laps
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Postby cannedmoose » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:26 pm

demetriou_74 wrote:f1 is still great and the reason i was getting better was becasue of all the overtaking now Shui has fucked off. the 6 runners should of raced not poodled around for 73 laps

If they had raced, it still wouldn't have been a race. Schumi would have gone into the distance with Barichello following in his wake. It then would have been the two Jordans with the two Minardis bringing up the distant rear...
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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:15 pm

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Postby brother » Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:25 pm

Interesting news article about the farce that happened on the day, naughty Ferrari. :shock:
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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:50 pm

i think ferrari should not be in the contest. they spoil everything
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Postby cannedmoose » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:07 pm

demetriou_74 wrote:i think ferrari should not be in the contest. they spoil everything

It wasn't just Ferrari... 9 of the teams (excluding ferrari) had joined ranks against starting the race. Jordan then broke the agreement and agreed to participate, meaning that for financial reasons, Minardi had to follow suit. Had Jordan kept to the agreement and refused to participate, it would have left the two ferraris alone in the race, in which case sense would probably have prevailed and a solution found. So, although Ferrari certainly has a case to answer, the Jordan team were one of the real villains in this... along with Max 'Son of Oswald the Fascist English Puppet of Hitler' Mosley.
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Postby city » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:11 am

I'm certainly not a Ferrari fan but I would say one can not blame Ferrari for what happened. They didnt have any problem so why shouldn't they race? If a chicane would have been built the race would not have been within the regulations of FIA. Also there were races in the past where the Bridgestone tyres didnt do well and the drivers using them had to slow down at certain points of the track. And noone asked for an additional chicane or something. What is if next time someone comes up and says "Oh well, I have aproblem with the chassis" or "My car does not have enough downforce at this bend, can't we build a chicane there?". They couldn't set a precedent. To much hassle in the future. I think FIA did right by having the race taking place. Apart from that the track owner threatened BernieE that he would sue him for everything he owns if the race was cancelled.
I think the Michelin teams should have taken part for the sake of the fans. Not with the dangerous tyres of course but f.e. with the tyres Michelin flew in last second. Or they could have paid the penalty or whatever was due for changing the tyres.....

Whatever; it was a shame for the sport and certainly destroyed F1's reputation in US for the near future if not longer.
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