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Will there be a solution by the end of 2009?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Do you truely believe there will be solution by the end of 2009?

Poll ended at Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:09 pm

Total votes : 36

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:14 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

Your poll has proved nothing of the kind.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:21 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just exactly how did you arrive to your above conclusion from the simple poll you held.?? :? :? :? :?

It was like as if you asked how Ramadan should be observed, but then you turned around and celebrated Christmas instead.! :lol:

So much for your polling techniques.! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby YFred » Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:24 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just exactly how did you arrive to your above conclusion from the simple poll you held.?? :? :? :? :?

It was like as if you asked how Ramadan should be observed, but then you turned around and celebrated Christmas instead.! :lol:

So much for your polling techniques.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When you don't like the result always blame the pollster.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:27 pm

YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just exactly how did you arrive to your above conclusion from the simple poll you held.?? :? :? :? :?

It was like as if you asked how Ramadan should be observed, but then you turned around and celebrated Christmas instead.! :lol:

So much for your polling techniques.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When you don't like the result always blame the pollster.

I did not even look at the results because I never vote on the CF. I'm only commenting on VP's conclusions.!

What is the result anyway.????
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:12 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:I'm of the opinion that a solution will be agreed upon in the very near future , not certain if its going to be this year but most certainly in the year 2010 , by all accounts the "sell by date" of the "trnc"
The EU recent judgement has had a profound impact on Turkey , who must surely by now realize that the recognition dream is over , and that the way forward is to remove conditions that she knows well to be unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of the Cypriot people.

With foreign investment declining rapidly , development practically at a standstill , reliance on Turkeys handouts becoming more acute , there is not much than Turkey can now do to sustain and market the "trnc"
The latest furore over oil exploration is no more than clutching at straws , Turkey surely knows that she can not challenge or worst still intercept an American vessel , it would be political suicide and the Turkish politicians know this.
Cyprus has the real prospects now to become the true jewel of the Mediterranean , oil rich she will be , no doubt about that , with a strong financial backbone it would be an attractive alternative for T/Cs to turn to . Talat is aware of the dreaded scenario , for the "trnc" where a large number of T/Cs return to their "roots" , claim their properties and all benefits that the citizens of Cyprus enjoy , knowing very well that the settlers will completely take over an impoverished cash strapped northern Cyprus. It has now become an urgent course for Talat to follow. A solution is far better than the economic destruction of the northern part of Cyprus.

Wake up Milti.... :roll:

You still don't get it do you. What you are asking us to do?? Lets just balance it out for you.

At the moment we have an identity...TURKISH CYPRIOTS!!! You are asking us to give up everything and just walk into the crowd and disappear into a nation that walks and talks like a Greek and not like a duck. You expect TCs who have invested in the TRNC to give it all up and surrender to their tormenters. You expect us to be blinded by oil and this fictional "citisenship" that will give us everything we ever wanted. YOu expect us to walk to the tune of the GReek national anthem and live i a country that has made no provisions for our existence apart from making up the numbers as an unflattering "minority" of Greek muslims. I could go on..........

You hold up a trinket and ask for our hearts and souls......I think it's cruel of any TC that has made you believe that we could ever do that.....That we will ever do that......I for one say keep the bloody oil....The TRNC would be better off without it.....My last holiday there was tranquil and more like the old CYprus that the "RoC" will never be again...WAKE UP MILTIADES!!!!!!

I think the usage of inverted commas denoting that a nation that is recognized the world over is indicative of who is dreaming don't you think so Zan. THE PRETENCE IS COMING TO AN END !
So the one that most definitely needs to wake up is you Zan. The RoC exists in every sense of the legal interpretation code. The "trnc" inhabited overwhelmingly by non Cypriots but settlers is the one that you so naively present as the REAL Cyprus .Poppycock.

I see you only answer the parts that suit you......I do not recognise the people that took my rights by force...That threatened a three year olds life and killed other three year olds to achieve it...I do not have to go along with the lunacy of recognising a hostile takeover of my island by Greeks.....Now that is done...Ask me again to give you my soul...Tell me again that it is worth it so that I can march to the Greek anthem and flag...Show me where in the "RoC"s repertoire have they made provisions for the TC people so that they will not just disappear even before they have disappeared physically. What history books are we in???What tourist information books are we in...I keep looking but have found nothing that says I exist at all never mind as a state.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Firstly you have to face realities just as I have by accepting that G/C extremists made the life of innocent T/Cs hell , they also did it to G/C innocent civilians. Likewise the T/C extremists carried out equally vulgar and cruel acts against not only the G/Cs but also against those T/Cs who did not share their stated objective of Taksim. Both sides killed and caused mayhem but unlike you we have moved on. Sevgul's book must be placed on your list of priority books to read.
I have consistently criticized the adoption of the Greek national anthem by the Cypriot government , I have challenged the use of a foreign flag I have decried the RoC for not adopting a wider policy on integrating the T/Cs back to their nation .
You and the likes of you will never see peace because the hatred within you does not permit you.
The Turkish invading forces committed atrocities against unarmed men women and children , we must now accept that war has a price and it is the high price that mostly the innocent pay.
The continued nonsense , and it is nonsense , of not accepting like the rest of the world does , that the RoC is the only legitimate government of Cyprus , just see what the EU CJ recently adopted.
You say that your rights were taken by force !!!
No Sir the Grey wolves took your rights away along with the G/C extremists.

Keep washing your hands Pontius Polit.......What you accuse others of taking is in your hands now and still you refuse to give it back. Thats the bottom line.

I have stated previously on what I think you are Zan . A hate master who has never once acknowledged , as indeed I have , that attrocities were commited by both bloody fanatics. Can I ask you 3 questions .

1) Do you accept that the Turkish Army raped young and not so young women .

2) Ethnically cleansed GCs. About 160 thousand of them .

3) Cold bloodily murdered innocent GC civilians.

4) Contrary to the Geneva convention introduced into Cyprus settlers for one and only purpose , to alter the demographics of our island.

Now Mr cut the crap about you losing out and consider that a far larger number lost a great deal more.
The RoC is there for all , come and be a part of it .
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Postby halil » Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:38 pm

As a person who lives in Cyprus i have contacts and friends from both side of the island ..... Everyday i do talks with lots of people from both side of the island ..... result ..... both side of the public opinions are faraway from each other ..... very clearly there is no solution in 2009 or 2010 ..... both sides are playing different type of music ..... by looking or talking to people they all wants solution but both sides acceptions and future plans are very different from each other .... less than 20% of total island population understands each other needs or feeling ......

No Hope from me .....................
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

The solution will come when the “TRNC” collapses and they realize what a bunch of useless goofballs they really are, and at no surprise to us. :lol:

Dont hold your and I are both part of the problem and why there will never be a solution.

Yes, but I also happen to know that money talks and bullshit walks…

Prey tell us all exactly how you will apply this to solving the Cyprus issue?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:20 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

Your poll has proved nothing of the kind.

72% believe no solution this year, this is nothing new its been 49 years and we are incapable to living together.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:22 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just exactly how did you arrive to your above conclusion from the simple poll you held.?? :? :? :? :?

It was like as if you asked how Ramadan should be observed, but then you turned around and celebrated Christmas instead.! :lol:

So much for your polling techniques.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

49 years is proof enough.
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Postby DT. » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:25 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we are all incapable of finding a solution and the current situation is permanent.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just exactly how did you arrive to your above conclusion from the simple poll you held.?? :? :? :? :?

It was like as if you asked how Ramadan should be observed, but then you turned around and celebrated Christmas instead.! :lol:

So much for your polling techniques.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

49 years is proof enough.

WHat i don't understand is how you went from considering the problem solved in 74 to Erdogan and Talat screamin like teenage girls in a Justin Timberlake concert everytime they want to tell the world how much they want to solve this problem and how quickly.

When did it become a problem to solve again?
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