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Will there be a solution by the end of 2009?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Do you truely believe there will be solution by the end of 2009?

Poll ended at Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:09 pm

Total votes : 36

Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:55 am

"The Struggle for Union With Greece Makes Labour Unity Difficult" ... because the Turks can not accept that Cypriots can decide the destiny of their own island in a democratic way, but instead they want to impose their own will by force and have Ottoman style privileges on the expense of everybody else.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:57 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I forgot to vote! Image

What do you think VP? Which of the two do you want increased? :?

You are free to vote how you know where I stand.

Yeah... on top of a minaret! :lol:

Ok, I'm giving my vote to “NO” because it won't happen by the end of this year, but very realistic for the end of 2010 IF the Oil & Gas exploration/extraction commences.

We are prime examples of why there will never be a solution.

You are a prime example of why an agreed solution will never be found. What you want is partition, the exact same thing you wanted since the 50s, and you will accept nothing else.
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Postby Floda » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:14 am

halil wrote: First try to face what was going on before the Turkey came to Cyprus.

Whatever was going on prior to the Turkish invasion (and since it is now common knowledge that the invasion was a carefully worked out political manoeuvre envisaged years in advance) there can be no justification for the mass slaughter and displacement of innocent citizens.

The presence of an overwhelmingly superior military force in the North, is a testament to the fact that the Turkish intentions were and are to remain in the occupied territories.

The shame is, that those politicians who now bleat at the injustices suffered by the 'Innocents' are even more privy to the schemes that were in place in order to make the invasion a success, yet, they would have the general population believe that they are working towards an acceptable solution.

Cyprus IS ( due to it's geographical position) unfortunately a necessary military nerve centre for the Middle East, the Cypriot people have come to know this and are aware that there is nothing (short of moving Cyprus to the middle of the Pacific, or elsewhere) that can be done about it.

Why not develop Israel as the 'Nerve Centre' ?, it would seem that most of the problems in the world are either rooted or targeted there, Israel has it's own expansionist policies in place, give Cyprus a break, allow the world to focus it's attention on THAT area before it's too late for all of us.

Simple solution.................. Turks (and settlers) out....................

Give the Jews a bit more aggravation, they are well used to it. (IMHO):idea:
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Postby suetoniuspaulinus » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:43 am

The Greek Junta in Athens and the Greek Cypriots themselves gave Turkey all the encouragement she needed to participate in the then Cyprus Problem.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:53 am

suetoniuspaulinus wrote:The Greek Junta in Athens and the Greek Cypriots themselves gave Turkey all the encouragement she needed to participate in the then Cyprus Problem.

The very fact people (other than Turks) exist, is all the encouragement Turkey needs to set in motion genocide, ethnic cleansing and expansionism ...

Turkey has been "participating" in the destruction of this island for centuries ... so it's easy to find one excuse in all that time for this most recent destruction!
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Postby halil » Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:11 pm

Floda ,
No one is supporting displacement of innocent citizens of this country .blaming only one side all the time just helping to hide the truths in Cyprus.
We must well look what was going on before the invation as well . When the problem started between TC's and GC's in Cyprus . How was republic of Cyprus was established . By establishing of ROC what was achived .
How was TC's and GC's were balanced under the ROC .Consitution
why it should be balance ? By breaking these balance between 2 communities how it will effect the future of ROC .... Why we don't question these realities .

Displacement of innocent citizens of Cyprus did not started at 1974 Floda .

I always start questioning the Cyprus problem from 1963 up to now .

before 1960 there was a ENOSIS and TAKSIM actiones in Cyprus . They were all conculed in 1960 by declaring ROC .

What was the aim of 13 points and Akritas plan ..... we must all question all those criminal actiones against the ROC . With those plans how could u accept from TC's to accept GC's claims and plans to break off balanced between 2 sides .

Only working plans in Cyprus will be TC's equal power sharing with GC's . Others solutions will always cause new problems in Cyprus.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:24 pm

suetoniuspaulinus wrote:The Greek Junta in Athens and the Greek Cypriots themselves gave Turkey all the encouragement she needed to participate in the then Cyprus Problem.

That is true. So now the Greek Cypriots in order to distance themselves from the responsiility of the devastation caused to Cyprus are playing the 'innocent'.Oh, well, whats new.

What happens now, is that we should all gather our wits and sort this mess out. No point arguing ad infinitum, 'you started it first' and all that c--p.
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Postby Floda » Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:30 pm

halil wrote:Floda

I always start questioning the Cyprus problem from 1963 up to now .


I think you should go back a few more years if you wish to uncover the true facts leading up to the situation in Cyprus (AND the Middle East) today.

Politics has a nasty habit of envisaging what the future results of current policies will achieve.

I really think it is about time people woke up to the fact that political self interest (within the halls of power) overrides the needs and expectations of the electorate.

For as long as the ordinary folk can be kept at each others throats, the politicians will be working on safe ground. IMHO. :idea:
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:47 pm

Only working plans in Cyprus will be TC's equal power sharing with GC's . Others solutions will always cause new problems in Cyprus.

On the contrary what causes the problems is the demand by the 18% minority to have 50% of power and Ottoman style privileges on the expense of everybody else. And this is a behavior which is encouraged by Turkey and UK in order to maintain the problem (and therefore their troops) in Cyprus.

If segregation, racist discrimination and Ottoman style privileges to an 18% minority was a solution, then we wouldn't have any problems after 1960. The fact that we had problems proves that such thing is not a solution. You can not discriminate against the 82% majority and think that this is a "solution" because it suits your 18% minority.

The solution is the same that works in all other successful multi-ethnic countries in the world: a true democracy, equality among citizens without racist discrimination and segregation.
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Postby halil » Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:08 pm

Floda wrote:
halil wrote:Floda

I always start questioning the Cyprus problem from 1963 up to now .


I think you should go back a few more years if you wish to uncover the true facts leading up to the situation in Cyprus (AND the Middle East) today.

Politics has a nasty habit of envisaging what the future results of current policies will achieve.

I really think it is about time people woke up to the fact that political self interest (within the halls of power) overrides the needs and expectations of the electorate.

For as long as the ordinary folk can be kept at each others throats, the politicians will be working on safe ground. IMHO. :idea:

No Floda ,
ın 1960 Independant ROC was forumed between TC's and GC's . All true the history of Cyprus it was the only time there was a country called only with her name :Republic of Cyprus and we were partner in this Republic upto 1963 . I don't care what was happened before . I don't think that ordinary peoples were carefull not to attack or holds eachother throats . It was our people who made this mistake .We must first question ourselfs . who were those people holding guns in their hands .It was our fathers ,brothers and uncles. It is very easy just to say politicions . it is the cheapest way to run away from realities .

with the new games true democracy or with other formulas we can not find the solution in Cyprus . We are in a such a position in Cyprus there must be balanc between 2 sides . In 1960 ROC was established to keep the balance between 2 sides . If scales moves further to one side advantage there will be begining of the further problems again . It is very frigle and breakable everything in Cyprus . needs lots of work .Not just saying with true democracy or equality .
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