DIKO leader Karoyan must remember that it is the victors who put their conditions at the end of wars. The Americans, British, French and the Russians laid down their terms for Hitler’s’ defeated Germany. It was not Hitler or the Germans who dictated to the allies after the Second World War.
So, it is going to be Turkey’s and the Turkish Cypriot’s terms for a solution. Let them take the magnanimous hands of Turkey and Turkish Cypriots for a lasting peace in Cyprus and the region.
Throughout history, losers did not only accept conditions of surrender but have, also, to pay for reparations and losses.
http://www.observercyprus.com/observer/ ... px?id=3980
These are the people we GCs negotiate with. I suppose Talat, to have this idiot as his spokesman, also shares his above views. Now, what shall we say as GCs? Would we be wrong to say that if these lunatics still believe that they “won a war in 1974” and they are entitled to dictate the terms of peace, akin the allies against Nazi Germany, let’s fuck Turkey’s EU accession, once and for all; and let them also rot in isolation until the hell freezes, or until they disappear as a community from the face of earth? Are we wrong and unfair to make such thoughts? Are these people so far detached with reality, that they still believe they are the winners of a war, and we GCs the losers? How much of a pathetic and desperate loser someone has to be, to utter the above nonsense?