Planning a few days in Cyprus starting this coming Friday , that's provided I'm not arrested and detained on Thursday the 4th where I shall position my self outside a polling station asking voters to choose between Oracle and I on matters regarding our Cyprus.
I shall also make my protest at the corrupt greedy British politicians and let the local prospective members of the gravy train , EU , know that Im keeping my eye on them . While carrying out this ..protest I shall also denounce the traffic wardens as bastards and useless citizens of our corrupt to the core nation which includes the most greedy bankers , councillors , MPs , Lords , Ladies and Gentlemen. I may have a go at our beloved Police , who apparently work about 40 hours a week overtime at double pay !!!
I particularly extend an invitation to all my friends , Byron , Floda , Polis etc etc , not forgetting Oracle of course to attend Curium where they will have the privilege of watching me down 6 bottles of ice cold wine .
I promise I shall drive them all to there homes afterwards so no need for a taxi !!
Saturday the 6th , Curium awaits all my fans and foes !!