miltiades wrote:Floda wrote:miltiades wrote:What IS outdated about reacting against obnoxious repugnant vulgar views for god sake woman , and how do you derive at the decision that I miss-comprehend and that I cut and paste !. O , not wishing to be rude to a lady I'm going to however be rude to you , you are full of copra , are you entirely sure that you are not a coprologist rather than a scientist !
ps. I was actually born in a METOCHI , famously known in Stroumbi the Great as TO METOCHI TO SOFIANOU !!!
You have made your home in the land of the nation responsible for the demise of your own country, you have consistently supported ANY and ALL atrocities perpetrated by that (and it's 'Counterpart Nation') yet, you have the audacity to present yourself as a spokesman for the Cypriot people, those very folk you deserted in your youth when you were most needed.
One wonders how you have the gall to insult ANYBODY, perhaps your association with the society you have embraced throughout your lifetime has taught you to offer insult to a 'Lady'.
I think you should be ashamed of yourself.
Plonker are you saying that 300 thousand Cypriots who emigrated are deserters !!!
You are so concerned with the "lady" , would it be Oracle who on less than half a dozen times told people on this forum to "fuck off" .Which lady would you be referring to ?
I speak for the great majority of Cypriot people not the fringe made up of fanatics with the same views as those way back in 1963-1974 who invited the Turkish occupation , I speak for the majority of G/Cs , T/Cs Maronites , Armenians and others who have had a belly full of extremist nonsense and just want to get on with their lives in a peaceful and free from fear environment. Who do you speak for Plonker ?
I speak for those who have the self respect to realise that, regardless of their OWN views, others are entitled to voice theirs without fear of being verbally attacked and abused by a person who merely repeats and relays the opinions of discredited representatives of the nation which destroyed the tranquility of Cyprus.
I speak for those who have suffered at the hands of nations with long history's of oppressive conduct directed at the weak and defenceless (decent folk) whose only course is to resort to anger, since they are ill-equipped to contest the might of the interloper.
I speak for those who contribute their TRUE opinions to this forum, those who have the capacity to THINK for themselves and protest the injustices levied upon them by the very nation the questioner allies his person to, Cyprus is occupied by an alien force, there is little to be gained by now trying to justify the actions of those that instigated the problem, your stance is a disgrace to any of those that I speak for, your ill-conceived views merely serve to antagonise those who have been deprived of their homes and have suffered enough.
I cannot speak for YOU.............. your position is quite safe since you are nicely ensconced in the camp of your own country's old enemies.
As I indicated before, I think you should be ashamed of yourself.