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The realities we must face in Cyprus .

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The realities we must face in Cyprus .

Postby miltiades » Fri May 29, 2009 10:00 am

I cant help but get annoyed when members embark on a campaign of hatred directed at either the T/Cs , or the G/Cs . Blind to realities on this island they continue spewing hatred against their compatriots oblivious to the fact that it was hatred in the first place that brought on the Turkish invasion and the occupation of a substantial part of our island.
Some do not simply want to accept realities such as that the T/Cs are here to stay , or that the RoC is very much a reality , a recognized nation the world over with its own identity endorsed by the UN , the EU and all other international organizations and nations.
The occupying army will not just simply go away because it is hated by the overwhelming majority of the Cypriot people , only the T/Cs can influence and exert pressure on Turkey to withdraw the Turkish forces
from our island .
Are the T/Cs likely to take such action while so much hatred is directed against them by some corners ? Is Turkey likely to succumb to pressure from either the UN or the EU to remove its forces when evidence of hatred against the T/Cs is rampant ?

The recent judgment by the EU Justice Court has strengthened the position of the RoC , it has undoubtedly enervated the T/C and Turkish " authorities " of the occupied north , even the most ardent and vociferous disciples of the "trnc" must surely have realized that their journey ahead is not a bed of roses on the contrary more like a bed of nails.
Unification of our island is a historical necessity , the future generations of Cypriots must be given a chance to peace and stability devoid of hatred and nationalistic twaddle .
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Postby cyprusgeoff » Fri May 29, 2009 10:24 am

I entirely agree.

Racists who vent their anger and intolerance and continue to spew out their venom should be barred from the forum
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Re: The realities we must face in Cyprus .

Postby polis » Fri May 29, 2009 10:27 am

miltiades wrote:... Cypriots must be given a chance to peace and stability devoid of hatred and nationalistic twaddle.

... unless that nationalistic twaddle has to do with the Cypriot pseudonation and the inferiority complexes of those who think that Cypriotnes is about buying halloumi at the cypriot deli in Harringay and sweet memories from the time in the village in the old country when they used to share their beds with their donkeys.
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Re: The realities we must face in Cyprus .

Postby miltiades » Fri May 29, 2009 10:30 am

polis wrote:
miltiades wrote:... Cypriots must be given a chance to peace and stability devoid of hatred and nationalistic twaddle.

... unless that nationalistic twaddle has to do with the Cypriot pseudonation and the inferiority complexes of those who think that Cypriotnes is about buying halloumi at the cypriot deli in Harringay and sweet memories from the time in the village in the old country when they used to share their beds with their donkeys.

Shut up fool.
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Re: The realities we must face in Cyprus .

Postby polis » Fri May 29, 2009 10:35 am

miltiades wrote:
polis wrote:
miltiades wrote:... Cypriots must be given a chance to peace and stability devoid of hatred and nationalistic twaddle.

... unless that nationalistic twaddle has to do with the Cypriot pseudonation and the inferiority complexes of those who think that Cypriotnes is about buying halloumi at the cypriot deli in Harringay and sweet memories from the time in the village in the old country when they used to share their beds with their donkeys.

Shut up fool.

Hmm, now let me think about it ....

..... nope, I don't think so.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri May 29, 2009 11:06 am

Miltiades crying over Turks again, traitor.
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Postby halil » Fri May 29, 2009 11:12 am

have a look what the writer Christophoros Christophorou writes realities about Cyprus .

The image of the “other” – The Turkish Cypriots and Turkey
From the days that preceded independence, Turkish Cypriots were already defined as the
“other” threatening the Greek Cypriots. The eventual dangers linked to them were invoked by
those holding power in July 1960 as the justification for avoiding elections; the press played
unanimously this game and supported the view that for the sake of unity of the Greek
Cypriots no parliamentary or communal chamber elections should take place.
In this respect, one should recall that the same happened with the Turkish Cypriot community
and the forces holding power were presented as “national front” and “patriotic front”.
Following the first incidents in December 1963, comments and editorials reflect the general
climate and views that were leaving very little room for conciliation.
The adjectives used to denominate the Turkish Cypriots are indicative of that climate: With
the exception of Kypros, the leaders of Turkish Cypriots are called “Rebels, kidnappers,
extremists, terrorists, archi-terrorists, archigangsters, chauvinists etc.”
They were also considered as the puppets in the hands of Ankara, serving Turkey’s interests
and plans over Cyprus. In reporting about the various events that took place during that
period, the official version of the events was fully adopted by all. Haravgi, wrote on 1
January 1964 that Greeks “that were kidnapped and held as hostages” were freed. In fact
they were exchanged with Turkish Cypriots, presented by the newspaper as “hosted in the
Kykko Gymnasium” and were released; they were “in good spirits and well dressed”.
Eleftheria wrote that they were refugees, and “Greeks took care of them.”
In the case of arm conflict, the Turks were presented as “thieves and gangs” “shooting
without discrimination”, “having no intention to return to normality”, while the Greek
Cypriots were the “legitimate forces”, “showing the utmost of self restrain” and seeking to
“enforce the law”. The law not only supports them but sees also that it is their duty to do it.
The owner of Machi, Nicos Sampson wrote on 22 December 1963:
“…local or foreign people, tolerating the present spirit of the evil are sadists”.
“The towers of chauvinism and extremism should be destroyed… the will of the majority
should fight against the stubbornness of the few chauvinist-extremist Turkish Cypriots and their patrons in Ankara”. He continued, explaining that “we will defend the peace of the people, but we will also destroy without mercy the enemies of thepeaceful coexistence”.
In fact, the first casualty of his actions was peaceful coexistence.
Newspapers write often about the majority of Turkish Cypriots s loving peace and opposing
the designs of their leaders. The image created is that of a group who are allies of the Greek Cypriots rather than one that deserves attention and respect for their rights.
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Postby halil » Fri May 29, 2009 11:15 am

Exaggerations and lack of rationality
Another phenomenon that one could observe during that period was the many contradictions,
non-sense comments and information and other exaggerations of the press. Day after day, in the period between 1964 and 1968, Teleftaia Ora newspaper was informing Greek Cypriots that Turkey was ready to invade Cyprus. Among information that it had not the necessary
forces and equipment to invade Cyprus, there was the confirmation that invasion was
imminent. The newspaper enumerated types of ships and armament waiting for the order to
leave for Cyprus, but no landing ships were included.
The newspapers of Sampson were writing about the “underdeveloped American people” and
“the Turkish people that was deprived even of the instinct of survival” and the people of
Cyprus was called to penalise those subjects under the names of Gursel, Inonu and Suney;
Agon: 1.7.1964 was affirming that “the presence of Grivas in Cyprus was a guarantee for the
security of Turkish Cypriots”.
Two more myths were systematically cultivated; the first was about the omnipotence of the
people. The Cypriot people were ready to sanction and beat all the enemies. These enemies,
the English, the Americans, the Turks and NATO were conspiring against the interests of
Cyprus aiming at its destruction. All these designs were collapsing hit by the will and the
power of the people.
It appears that the conspiracy theory has a duration that defies time and circumstances.
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Postby halil » Fri May 29, 2009 11:18 am

Heading toward disasterIn the period between 1968 and 1974, the face of the press changed dramatically; it reflected
the extreme polarisation of the society. There was a proliferation of newspapers supporting
the violent actions of EOKA B as well as papers supporting Makarios. The content of articles
and editorials during that period is a real shame for democracy and political culture. The
opponents are presented as traitors, as foreign agents, as serving the interests of the enemies
of Cyprus etc. The vocabulary used was really of bad taste and very offending.
This same climate continued after summer 1974, in spite of the destruction, the displacement
of tens of thousands of people and the division of the island.
Nationalist rhetoric and political discourse changed after 1976 and attempts were made to
prove that cohabitation with Turkish Cypriots was possible. The term of “rapprochement”
was introduced. I will not expand on this. More research is needed in connection to the
various activities (publications, seminars, statements etc) of that period. Any research should
take into consideration the content of the education, the political rhetoric and other actions.
Within that context, it is very important to note that rapprochement could but remain a purely
theoretical construction; the dividing line and the enforced segregation of Greek and Turkish
Cypriots left no room for any realistic expectations from it.
In the same spirit, I believe that the trends for “Cypriotism” that emerged, especially after
1978 and the strengthening of the entity of the Republic of Cyprus can not be considered as
official choices in opposition to nationalism. The period from 1974 to 1980 has not been duly
studied and the choices made by either side have not been adequately assessed.
The period from 1974 to 1978 and 1980 is rather a period of adjustment to new realities,
including the shift from the old to a new political leadership. This power struggle can not be
overseen; it should also be linked to decisions such as the celebration of the independence day
(started for the first time ever in 1980). This celebration and the military parade was not an
expression of Cypriotism; the years that followed proved that the Republic of Cyprus was
used as an asset that could counterbalance, at least partially, the advantages gained by the
Turkish side in summer 1974. One should not forget that the political forces preaching
Cypriotism have consistently supported nationalist views.
In connection to the press, further study and content analysis are needed.
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 29, 2009 1:43 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:Miltiades crying over Turks again, traitor.

I usually ignore you but I felt like giving you the benefit of the doubt one last time.
Now do tell us , which paragraph , which sentence do you see as treasonous ?
No bullshit now just facts . Where ? If cant find it in this thread I have behind me 8000 posts , do find something treasonous and I will respect you , otherwise piss off !
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