I cant help but get annoyed when members embark on a campaign of hatred directed at either the T/Cs , or the G/Cs . Blind to realities on this island they continue spewing hatred against their compatriots oblivious to the fact that it was hatred in the first place that brought on the Turkish invasion and the occupation of a substantial part of our island.
Some do not simply want to accept realities such as that the T/Cs are here to stay , or that the RoC is very much a reality , a recognized nation the world over with its own identity endorsed by the UN , the EU and all other international organizations and nations.
The occupying army will not just simply go away because it is hated by the overwhelming majority of the Cypriot people , only the T/Cs can influence and exert pressure on Turkey to withdraw the Turkish forces
from our island .
Are the T/Cs likely to take such action while so much hatred is directed against them by some corners ? Is Turkey likely to succumb to pressure from either the UN or the EU to remove its forces when evidence of hatred against the T/Cs is rampant ?
The recent judgment by the EU Justice Court has strengthened the position of the RoC , it has undoubtedly enervated the T/C and Turkish " authorities " of the occupied north , even the most ardent and vociferous disciples of the "trnc" must surely have realized that their journey ahead is not a bed of roses on the contrary more like a bed of nails.
Unification of our island is a historical necessity , the future generations of Cypriots must be given a chance to peace and stability devoid of hatred and nationalistic twaddle .