polis wrote:miltiades wrote:... Cypriots must be given a chance to peace and stability devoid of hatred and nationalistic twaddle.
... unless that nationalistic twaddle has to do with the Cypriot pseudonation and the inferiority complexes of those who think that Cypriotnes is about buying halloumi at the cypriot deli in Harringay and sweet memories from the time in the village in the old country when they used to share their beds with their donkeys.
Oracle wrote:Miltiades "The Thinker" and our "Representative" .... who thinks the GCs deserved to be raped by the Turks rather than dissent to his friend Viewpoint ...
miltiades wrote:You are a miserable bunch of traitors in denial , and have no doubt about it , you are traitors to your homeland the island of Cyprus.
miltiades wrote:I suppose you also believe that Greece would go to war against Turkey if need be to protect Cyprus !!!!!!
miltiades wrote:what on earth will the make of this racist , full of hate imbalanced individual , she would be an embarrassment and a disgrace to the NATION of Cyprus.
Byron wrote:Now we know why Miltiades is so anti hellenic and so pro Turkish, according to James_mav he married a Turk and bred turko kyprious; so does that give him the alter to exert his propaganda against the majority of Greek Cypriots ? I wonder out of the 800,000 existing population how many mixed marriages there are: 1, 2, 5 may be 100 ? What does that tell you ! Simple answer we are two different communities based on two different cultures not yet ready to mix to become one culture, one religion or one common language.
Byron wrote:Now we know why Miltiades is so anti hellenic and so pro Turkish, according to James_mav he married a Turk and bred turko kyprious; so does that give him the alter to exert his propaganda against the majority of Greek Cypriots ? I wonder out of the 800,000 existing population how many mixed marriages there are: 1, 2, 5 may be 100 ? What does that tell you ! Simple answer we are two different communities based on two different cultures not yet ready to mix to become one culture, one religion or one common language.
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