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Greeks, Turks and Racism

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat May 30, 2009 12:14 pm

Byron wrote:To PETCALLEDROS:

In your opening remarks you said most cypriot or Greek fascists hate Turks. Please define what you mean by Cypriot or Greek Fascists ? Also why would Turkish Cypriots hate Turks ?

Hate may be too strong a word, but the results of a survey into the attitudes of 10-13 year old Turkish Cypriot children conducted under the auspices of the UN - ... tative.pdf
- reveals that nearly half (44.4%) of respondents admitted to disliking Turkish people from Turkey either a lot or a little.

So why indeed would they dislike them?

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Postby paliometoxo » Sat May 30, 2009 3:39 pm

whyw ould they but i know a turkush cypriot girl she hates the turks and she likes greek more.. i used to go to uni with another who felt the same.... and what about those kids who wrote allover the walls get out turks????????????????
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Postby Oracle » Sat May 30, 2009 3:48 pm

I guess all those TCs must be racists for 'disliking' the Turks so much :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Sat May 30, 2009 3:52 pm

I always used to wonder why Viewpoint always wrote hateful comments about Pakistanis and now it all makes sense ...

VP is a 10 - 13 year old racist :lol:

... But seriously, there can't be many Pakistanis in the occupied territory surely? :? ....

So, where do these kids get the notion to dislike Pakistanis, if they have never interacted with them?

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Postby Tim Drayton » Sat May 30, 2009 3:53 pm

Oracle wrote:I guess all those TCs must be racists for 'disliking' the Turks so much :lol:

One of Turkey's past ambassadors to Cyprus complained that institutionalised racism was practised against Turkish nationals in the north of Cyprus.
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Postby Oracle » Sat May 30, 2009 4:01 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Oracle wrote:I guess all those TCs must be racists for 'disliking' the Turks so much :lol:

One of Turkey's past ambassadors to Cyprus complained that institutionalised racism was practised against Turkish nationals in the north of Cyprus.

In all earnestness, but not being a Child Psychologist, I wonder what is behind these kids saying they dislike a particular group of people?

It could just be 'peer' pressure following some fashion which decides what is cool and what is uncool ... and the common link I see from your (interesting) table is that the most disliked Nationals are from Muslim associated countries (i.e. not cool to kids).
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Postby Byron » Sat May 30, 2009 10:28 pm

Petcalledros wrote:
Byron wrote:To PETCALLEDROS:

In your opening remarks you said most cypriot or Greek fascists hate Turks. Please define what you mean by Cypriot or Greek Fascists ? Also why would Turkish Cypriots hate Turks ?

Should of made that more clear: Greek Cypriot Fascists and Greek Fascist hate Turks. Is that more clear?

Do you know what a fascist is ? Mussolini has been dead since 1945.
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Postby YFred » Sat May 30, 2009 11:03 pm

Oracle wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Oracle wrote:I guess all those TCs must be racists for 'disliking' the Turks so much :lol:

One of Turkey's past ambassadors to Cyprus complained that institutionalised racism was practised against Turkish nationals in the north of Cyprus.

In all earnestness, but not being a Child Psychologist, I wonder what is behind these kids saying they dislike a particular group of people?

It could just be 'peer' pressure following some fashion which decides what is cool and what is uncool ... and the common link I see from your (interesting) table is that the most disliked Nationals are from Muslim associated countries (i.e. not cool to kids).

That's just damn right careless. :wink:
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Postby EPSILON » Sun May 31, 2009 12:13 am

paliometoxo wrote:and who makes up the turkish army???? its the very turkish men that make up turkish army so yes its all their fault

Our problem is not who are the soldiers in this army but who are the leaders/unfortunately most of them are GENITZAROI GREEKS.!!!!
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Postby DT. » Sun May 31, 2009 1:09 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Byron wrote:To PETCALLEDROS:

In your opening remarks you said most cypriot or Greek fascists hate Turks. Please define what you mean by Cypriot or Greek Fascists ? Also why would Turkish Cypriots hate Turks ?

Hate may be too strong a word, but the results of a survey into the attitudes of 10-13 year old Turkish Cypriot children conducted under the auspices of the UN - ... tative.pdf
- reveals that nearly half (44.4%) of respondents admitted to disliking Turkish people from Turkey either a lot or a little.

So why indeed would they dislike them?


This table deserves a thread on its own. I thought VP and Zan speak on behalf of all TC's? :lol:
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