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Cyprus oil and gas exploration to 'start soon'

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Cyprus oil and gas exploration to 'start soon'

Postby boomerang » Wed May 27, 2009 7:01 am

Cyprus oil and gas exploration to 'start soon', says US ambassador

The US Ambassador in Nicosia Frank Urbancik has said
that an American oil company will soon start oil and gas
exploration in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus, on the
south-west of the island.

Mr Urbancik, who was talking at a press conference at the
Cyprus International Trade Fair, said the oil company is one
of the successful bidders for offshore oil and gas

He added that US investments in Cyprus amount to more than
$379million and claimed this figure would soon
increase substantially when oil exploration begins.

He said US exports to Cyprus grew by 73.6% last year, partly
thanks to a weaker dollar.

The US Ambassador said the United States is also a reliable
export market for Cyprus, with considerable untapped

He went on to add that many Cypriot products, such as dairy
products, salt, and mineral substances have been increasing
their sales in the United States in recent years, while
others, such as fresh fish hold much potential for growth.

well...well...let's see what the reaction would be from the "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine.... :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 27, 2009 7:15 am

I wonder if the Turkish military will try to push this American company around… :lol:
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Postby DT. » Wed May 27, 2009 7:54 am

Get Real! wrote:I wonder if the Turkish military will try to push this American company around… :lol:

Impossible, its a Jewish-American company...Noble.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 27, 2009 8:07 am

DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I wonder if the Turkish military will try to push this American company around… :lol:

Impossible, its a Jewish-American company...Noble.

That's a terrible combination! It couldn't have been worse for Turkey... :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Wed May 27, 2009 1:33 pm

Just when Turkey thought it had it all figured out and said that the problem had been solved in 1974, things start to creak. First the EU entry, then the oil, and somehow partition does not look like such a good idea anymore, well not from the TC point of view. Ironic that both EU membership and the possibility of an oil find make partition attractive for the other side!

Aint life a m********* er!

On a more serious note. Assuming there is oil or gas, how would that affect life in Cyprus? Energy would be the foremosts sector of the economy, dwarfing tourism, services and agriculture. The prospect of a non tourist Cyprus is fascinating.
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Postby humanist » Wed May 27, 2009 1:48 pm

good to see you posting again Nikitas, hope you are well :)

a non-tourist Cyprus interesting ........ but she is so beautiful people will always want to see her ;) am up for a visit any day ......... if oils does happen to be found Cyprus will be like a supermarket where you can get anything you want lol .... oil and holiday makers may be holiday expeditions on those oil riggs ;)
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Postby Nikitas » Thu May 28, 2009 4:18 pm


I am not posting as much because of a new project that takes a lot of my time. I drop in as often as I can.

When the oil comes in are you going to order one of those Mercs with gold plated fenders? Like they do in Abu Dhabi?
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Postby DT. » Fri May 29, 2009 12:46 pm ... sp?gid=243

'N. Cypriots' rights overlooked
NICOSIA - Turkish Cyprus Pseudo Foreign Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün reacted to U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Frank Urbancic’s statement to a Greek Cypriot newspaper that an American company would search for natural gas and petroleum off Cyprus’s southwestern shores in accordance with the company’s agreement with the Cyprus government.

In a written statement Wednesday, Özgürgün said no country or institution had the authority to enter into such an agreement with Cyprus, which represents only the Greek population on the island.

He said the work undermined the fact that both Greek and Turkish sides should benefit mutually from the natural resources both on and around the island.

He said Turkish Cypriots were angered by Urbancic’s comment that the American company’s involvement was a good development for Cyprus.

He asked for the United States to avoid ventures that would cause tensions if it wanted to contribute to the solution in the Cyprus issue.
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 29, 2009 1:08 pm

DT. wrote:

'N. Cypriots' rights overlooked
NICOSIA - Turkish Cyprus Pseudo Foreign Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün reacted to U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Frank Urbancic’s statement to a Greek Cypriot newspaper that an American company would search for natural gas and petroleum off Cyprus’s southwestern shores in accordance with the company’s agreement with the Cyprus government.

In a written statement Wednesday, Özgürgün said no country or institution had the authority to enter into such an agreement with Cyprus, which represents only the Greek population on the island.

He said the work undermined the fact that both Greek and Turkish sides should benefit mutually from the natural resources both on and around the island.

He said Turkish Cypriots were angered by Urbancic’s comment that the American company’s involvement was a good development for Cyprus.

He asked for the United States to avoid ventures that would cause tensions if it wanted to contribute to the solution in the Cyprus issue.

Does every independent company expanding its Global business have to obtain permission from the Turks first? ... Or set aside some funds to feed them?

If these demands open up the backwardness and greed of such people as the Turk-TCs to the rest of the more rational members of the Human Race, then we can say we are not alone in fearing Turkish threats all these years and finally suffering from their actions.

All that remains, is for us to form a combined collective resistance to their belligerent threats.
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Postby RichardB » Fri May 29, 2009 1:50 pm

He asked for the United States to avoid ventures that would cause tensions if it wanted to contribute to the solution in the Cyprus issue.

Well i guess that means that the yanks wont want to 'contribute' to the Cyprus issue

BTW I'm surprised he 'asked and didn't 'demand'
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