zan wrote:Kifeas wrote:joe wrote:Kifeas wrote:james_mav wrote:If the Serbs and the Montenegrins cannot agree to both be Yugoslavs, how in the name of God can turks and Greeks agree to both be Cypriots? There is no such thing as a Cypriot, apart from an almost convenient political definition (and even that didn't work). There are just Greeks and turks, just like there were Greeks and turks on Crete before its own enosis.
The Cypriot ethnicity is lunacy just like the (slavo) "Macedonian" ethnicity. Any solution to the Cyprus problem that does not acknowledge this fact is doomed to fail.
Yeah, Right!!! And since you have now discovered the "tachinopitta," which in fact coincides with the Turkish thesis on Cyprus -namely that there are two peoples and two nations in Cyprus and thus each should be entitled to a separate self-determination right; tell us now "re achriste" what kind of a solution to you propose we should adopt, in order to solve the Cyprus issue? Tell us “re ilithio kataskevasma pou se troi o kolos sou tzie pethima gamisi,” tell us what kind of a solution you propose!!! Partition???
Wait a minute, partition was mentioned by you not that long ago. You even created maps showing 18 percent of the North belonging to Turkish Cypriots. This thread is getting out of hand. I say everyone goes back to their original homes and everyone can call themselves what ever the fuck they want just like in other western countries. You have Italian Canadians, Greek Canadians, Cuban Canadians, and some just like to be called Canadians. FUCKING GROW UP PEOPLE.
"Joe," cut the crap!!! What I said before, and within what context I said it, has nothing to do with what the Turks and their agent parrots in this forum want or try to pass around! It is one thing to say to the Turks, "fine, if you believe you are a separate people or nation and you want partition, 18% is the most you are entitled" -knowing full well that they will never be able to accommodate such a possibility and enclave themselves into only the 18% of Cyprus; and another thing to act as the mouthpiece and the agent (praktoras) of the Turkish thesis and aims in Cyprus! This "praktoras" of the Turkish interests, called "James_mav," as well some other Turkish "praktores" such as "Polis," etc, are only trying to vindicate and legitimize the well known Turkish thesis that calls for "two separate nations and two peoples in Cyprus, and thus two separate self-determination rights!" Notice how they bring into the picture the cases of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, just exactly how Serdar Denkatsh brought the same two cases into perspective in order to legitimize his partition or confederation calls. Do not give me this crap, about what I said or I did not say, because the two things are totally unrelated!
I think you have just endorsed what Joe said...PARTITION.....Partition on your terms...We are entitled to a working percentage. Simple. You take control of the government and you still want the lions share of land. What do you lose Kifeas.....
You are entitled only the middle of the three between Ataturk's legs!!!