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How do you feel about the Ambelopoulia 'delicacy' in Cyprus?

I think they taste great.
It's harmless.
No votes
It's illegal and something should be done.
Who cares?
Total votes : 18

Postby Talisker » Mon May 25, 2009 9:13 pm

chedda wrote:An excellent response Talisker. Wild animals are few and far between let's protect them for future generations and the well being of our planet. By all means slaughter me a fattened calf that is screaming for its mother i have no qualms.(read between the lines and draw your own conclusions)

I too am a meat-eater, and understand some of the issues regarding mass production of livestock for human consumption. But the line has to be drawn somewhere..........
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Postby chedda » Mon May 25, 2009 9:13 pm

So, the Cypriot unnecessary mass-killing of birds, just for sport (birds glued to sticks - sport?) or tradition, doesn't make sense to me.

It's popular & a tradition because it's free. Much like the squabbling for free wine at the yearly festival.
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Postby chedda » Mon May 25, 2009 9:19 pm

Unfortunately i do side on the wild vs farmed taste debate. However it is simply unsustainable. A middle ground should be found with a more free range attitude. I don't think it would actually be too difficult to actively farm birds here organically. A good example is fish farms although i am aware they are fed pellets, hormones and masses of anti biotic's to counter the over crowding.
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 9:29 pm

chedda wrote:Image

I think i've got it ?

Bloody hell, he's got a big cock!
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 9:30 pm

chedda wrote:
So, the Cypriot unnecessary mass-killing of birds, just for sport (birds glued to sticks - sport?) or tradition, doesn't make sense to me.

It's popular & a tradition because it's free. Much like the squabbling for free wine at the yearly festival.

Isn't that the Brits that do that?
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Postby chedda » Mon May 25, 2009 9:34 pm

The British scum you have here are not great wine drinkers. They prefer lager anyday.

The wildlife in Cyprus is in a precarious position, as the concrete jungles expand. The utmost care is needed to protect the unique nature of the island. Measures are urgently needed to educate the population, to restrict the use of agricultural chemicals to a strict minimum, the ambelopoulia-trapping ban must be strictly enforced, hunting licences should be restricted to proven competent persons only and poaching fiercely suppressed. Above all, as has been done in many countries, lead shot should be withdrawn from sale and replaced by steel shot, which simply rusts in nature (lead pellets can remain intact for many years).
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 9:36 pm

I am getting fed up with Chedda's cheesy comments! :lol: :lol:
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 25, 2009 9:37 pm

Can I just say I'm very fond of oysters. A once a year treat, eaten alive of course.

Damn, now I think about it you can't beat food from the sea. Prawns of all shapes and sizes. Crab is good but everyones's favourite must be lobster. All of them netted, thrown in to a pan and brought to a slow boil.

Before you ask, I don't touch veal. Part of the farming process and very European I'm told but not in my name or on my plate, thank you very much. Those who eat it should be thrown in to a pig-sty and the keys thrown away. Speaking of pigs, I don't like this idea of spit-roasting suckling pig. Very nice and tender I'm sure but not for me.

Speaking of Things European, these French can be a funny lot with their food. They are just as fond of the old songbirds and seem to have them by the plateful and rather like the Spannish and the Italians we don't hear a lot of grumbling. I'm not going to mention the good farming practises involved in foie-gras cos I've just eaten and I'm stuffed.
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 9:41 pm

Come on Bill, you can't beat a good bit of veal unless it is with a bit of foie gras!
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Postby RichardB » Mon May 25, 2009 9:47 pm

Must admit I'm partial to a nice veal 'cordon bleu'

But it must be filled with parma ham and gruyere cheese and served with a nut brown butter

Also love all seafood but Bill it should be plunged into boiling water its rather cruel to bring to a slow boil

Dont like foie gras too rich for my paupers taste

god I think I'm turning into Halil
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