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How do you feel about the Ambelopoulia 'delicacy' in Cyprus?

I think they taste great.
It's harmless.
No votes
It's illegal and something should be done.
Who cares?
Total votes : 18

Postby RichardB » Mon May 25, 2009 4:57 pm

Get Real! wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Where’s your… “They taste bloody awful and it’s cruel anyway!” option? :?

Well I suppose it may be considered cruel by some but if they were to be shot we'd have to pick out the lead before eating and there would be nothing left of them
.....Now that would be no good at all

May that little meat dangling between you legs get caught on a lime stick...

Whats up with you coming over all puritanical today or is this just another pick on the poushto englaisoz thread :evil:
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 5:40 pm

I've said it before and I'll say it again, they are great pickled!
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Postby New to Cyprus » Mon May 25, 2009 6:43 pm

RichardB wrote:
New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Where’s your… “They taste bloody awful and it’s cruel anyway!” option? :?

Well I suppose it may be considered cruel by some but if they were to be shot we'd have to pick out the lead before eating and there would be nothing left of them
.....Now that would be no good at all

What I don't understand is why the indiscriminate killing at such high levels? A lot of the birds trapped aren't the ambelopoulia/blackcaps, and are just killed and discarded; and the estimates for how many birds are killed are really shocking. There's no regulation either, just kill, kill, kill...

If you like it so much, why don't you catch some Blackcaps and grow them. You'd have an endless supply just like chicken, instead of poaching them. Much more sustainable and it doesn't slaughter wildlife.

But the wild ones taste so much better ...a bit like necking your own chicken the morning you're going to have it for lunch or buying a frozen one ....just no comparison.

And I dont 'poach' them I pickle them mind that can be dangerous got a nasty blister once when singing the feathers off ...bloody thing wouldnt stay still.

By 'poach', I mean trap/kill them illegally. And yes, it is illegal.

Two questions though - How would you know that the wild ones are better? (Why have souvlaki if wild is better, why not have mouflon for dinner?) And, what good are they wild if you poach them until you've killed all the birds in a given area?

Okay, that's three questions.
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Postby RichardB » Mon May 25, 2009 6:57 pm

New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Where’s your… “They taste bloody awful and it’s cruel anyway!” option? :?

Well I suppose it may be considered cruel by some but if they were to be shot we'd have to pick out the lead before eating and there would be nothing left of them
.....Now that would be no good at all

What I don't understand is why the indiscriminate killing at such high levels? A lot of the birds trapped aren't the ambelopoulia/blackcaps, and are just killed and discarded; and the estimates for how many birds are killed are really shocking. There's no regulation either, just kill, kill, kill...

If you like it so much, why don't you catch some Blackcaps and grow them. You'd have an endless supply just like chicken, instead of poaching them. Much more sustainable and it doesn't slaughter wildlife.

But the wild ones taste so much better ...a bit like necking your own chicken the morning you're going to have it for lunch or buying a frozen one ....just no comparison.

And I dont 'poach' them I pickle them mind that can be dangerous got a nasty blister once when singing the feathers off ...bloody thing wouldnt stay still.

By 'poach', I mean trap/kill them illegally. And yes, it is illegal.

Two questions though - How would you know that the wild ones are better? (Why have souvlaki if wild is better, why not have mouflon for dinner?) And, what good are they wild if you poach them until you've killed all the birds in a given area?

Okay, that's three questions.

Wild ones got to be better Caged ones dont get enough of excersise and are too fatty.

And mouflon souvla ....yummy but thats for another thread I think

Well when they all finished in one area just move onto another area theres plenty - all this palaver about not enough to go round its just propaganda by conservationists innit

Mans gotta be fed eh

You one of them vegantarianistisms ??
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 7:10 pm

RichardB wrote:
New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Where’s your… “They taste bloody awful and it’s cruel anyway!” option? :?

Well I suppose it may be considered cruel by some but if they were to be shot we'd have to pick out the lead before eating and there would be nothing left of them
.....Now that would be no good at all

What I don't understand is why the indiscriminate killing at such high levels? A lot of the birds trapped aren't the ambelopoulia/blackcaps, and are just killed and discarded; and the estimates for how many birds are killed are really shocking. There's no regulation either, just kill, kill, kill...

If you like it so much, why don't you catch some Blackcaps and grow them. You'd have an endless supply just like chicken, instead of poaching them. Much more sustainable and it doesn't slaughter wildlife.

But the wild ones taste so much better ...a bit like necking your own chicken the morning you're going to have it for lunch or buying a frozen one ....just no comparison.

And I dont 'poach' them I pickle them mind that can be dangerous got a nasty blister once when singing the feathers off ...bloody thing wouldnt stay still.

By 'poach', I mean trap/kill them illegally. And yes, it is illegal.

Two questions though - How would you know that the wild ones are better? (Why have souvlaki if wild is better, why not have mouflon for dinner?) And, what good are they wild if you poach them until you've killed all the birds in a given area?

Okay, that's three questions.

Wild ones got to be better Caged ones dont get enough of excersise and are too fatty.

And mouflon souvla ....yummy but thats for another thread I think

Well when they all finished in one area just move onto another area theres plenty - all this palaver about not enough to go round its just propaganda by conservationists innit

Mans gotta be fed eh

You one of them vegantarianistisms ??

I know someone who had an 'agrino' bbq last week, but the bastard didn't invite me!
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Postby chedda » Mon May 25, 2009 7:11 pm

Okay i'm biting on this one. You are not a cat skillfully stalkin' its prey ! You are a moron who indiscriminately harvests all passing birds. I suppose you also support fishing with explosives ? One day you will log off your computer and open the door to a barren burning island. If your answer is yes it's bad but hey it will never be like that while i am alive then you have surely lost. We are all too aware now about fragile eco systems and the synchronicity within them.
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 25, 2009 7:15 pm

My beloved CYs, my beloved fellow Brits of CY ancestry, and other beloved Defenders of The CY Culture of the Old Villages.... The Ex-pats are revolting, again. Please help the Noble Cause of National Liberation, to free the Island of GB ways by casting your votes to repel the invasion of Beetroot Man.

(need a short slogan, something like "the only good ex-pat is ....." , but I can't think of an ending)
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Postby RichardB » Mon May 25, 2009 7:16 pm

CBBB wrote:
RichardB wrote:
New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
New to Cyprus wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Where’s your… “They taste bloody awful and it’s cruel anyway!” option? :?

Well I suppose it may be considered cruel by some but if they were to be shot we'd have to pick out the lead before eating and there would be nothing left of them
.....Now that would be no good at all

What I don't understand is why the indiscriminate killing at such high levels? A lot of the birds trapped aren't the ambelopoulia/blackcaps, and are just killed and discarded; and the estimates for how many birds are killed are really shocking. There's no regulation either, just kill, kill, kill...

If you like it so much, why don't you catch some Blackcaps and grow them. You'd have an endless supply just like chicken, instead of poaching them. Much more sustainable and it doesn't slaughter wildlife.

But the wild ones taste so much better ...a bit like necking your own chicken the morning you're going to have it for lunch or buying a frozen one ....just no comparison.

And I dont 'poach' them I pickle them mind that can be dangerous got a nasty blister once when singing the feathers off ...bloody thing wouldnt stay still.

By 'poach', I mean trap/kill them illegally. And yes, it is illegal.

Two questions though - How would you know that the wild ones are better? (Why have souvlaki if wild is better, why not have mouflon for dinner?) And, what good are they wild if you poach them until you've killed all the birds in a given area?

Okay, that's three questions.

Wild ones got to be better Caged ones dont get enough of excersise and are too fatty.

And mouflon souvla ....yummy but thats for another thread I think

Well when they all finished in one area just move onto another area theres plenty - all this palaver about not enough to go round its just propaganda by conservationists innit

Mans gotta be fed eh

You one of them vegantarianistisms ??

I know someone who had an 'agrino' bbq last week, but the bastard didn't invite me!

Rotten basta*d Cant beat a bit of mouflon slowly cooked over the charcole embers but you couldnt expect the newbies to understand 100s of years of tradition
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Postby CBBB » Mon May 25, 2009 7:19 pm

I am not stalking anything, I buy them. These birds have been a delicacy in the Med since humans arrived. Why should people change their traditions to pander to a load of whinging Brits (not you RichardB).
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Re: Bitin'

Postby RichardB » Mon May 25, 2009 7:20 pm

chedda wrote:Okay i'm biting on this one. You are not a cat skillfully stalkin' its prey ! You are a moron who indiscriminately harvests all passing birds. I suppose you also support fishing with explosives ? One day you will log off your computer and open the door to a barren burning island. If your answer is yes it's bad but hey it w
ill never be like that while i am alive then you have surely lost. We are all too aware now about fragile eco systems and the synchronicity within them.

And your point is????

Look all I want is to eat what I want for me dinner if youre happy with greens and vegemite - fair enough but dont tell me what to have for me tea

Barren Burning Island whats that got to do with eating a few dozen birds?

And no I dont fish with explosives I use bleach in the water like everyone else to make the fish rise I'm not cruel like some
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