Been away for a few days and missed out on all the Cyprus Forum engaging debates but haven’t got the time to read through myriads of pages? No worries!

Now you can read GR’s “CF highlights of the week” and not miss a thing that shouldn’t be missed in a fraction of the time!

VP Vs Kikapu:
Yes I am!
No you’re not!
You’re a liar!
No I’m not!
Insan Vs Boomers:
Titty man!
Iti mans!
Titty man!
fite men!
Runaway Vs (anyone):
You are!
Baby killer!
You are!
Paphitis Vs Miltiades:
Fucking stupid!
Rude bastard!
Ignorant wanker!
Dirty tosser!
Oracle Vs Turkey
Bloody Turks!
Dirty Turks!
Revolting Turks!
Even more revolting Turks!
Deniz Vs Bubbles:
And off they skipped
What do I sing
They are indeed
Yes but not now