restling with your demons
Turks out of cyprus
fuck off
Piratis Vs Bananiot
the Turks started it in 1571
They did not
Yes they did
They did not, idiot
yes they did
Bloody bash patriot
Oracle V's Bananiot
Revolting Turks
Racist bash patriot
I hate Turks
Piss off crazy woman
Oracle Vs Deniz
Thieving disgusting Turks
Got out of the wrong side of the bed Oracle
I'm not racist, I was bombed back in 63
Poor thing
Oh Deniz, you are the only Turk I love.
I can see your soul through your eyes

RichardB Vs anyone
I'm so stupid
we know
You didn't have to agree
Yes we did

BillC Vs Y-Fred
I'm on the road to a free Kyrenia
Billofagus gratius, you wanker
Oh Dear
Oh Dear
Turk Hater
Oh dear!