Sotos wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Sotos wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Sotos wrote:Cem wrote:Bananiot wrote:So, Sotos has come out clean. He not only wants the settlers out but he wants the Turkish Cypriots out. Even if we had the means to implement this sick and fascist notion of his, he would find that many decent Greek Cypriots would object to such action.
When we were on top of things, there were many people among us that contemplated (to put it mildly) such ideas but our present predicament is a testament of what such contemplations can bring to us.
To even think like this at present, simply makes one weary of the upstairs capacity of the person and really one cannot help but ask serious questions on the intellectual capability of this person and all of us that spend time reflecting on this nonsense.
Don't be so harsh on General Sotos Bana ! Since according to this Greek General, all TCs are here as by-products of Ottoman occupation, he wants us all out ! We are not legitimate here. The only problem with that demented logic is when we start generalizing this, the entire world map would run the risk of being changed.
Mein Fuhrer Sotos, how about asking Americans to leave the USA and all South American Spaniards to leave as well, as you probably know who were originally the true owners of the entire American continent ?
But when you ethnically cleansed 200.000 GCs and you made a Turkish state on our land there is no problem. Yes?Don't you want to be separate from us? If we are going to be separate doesn't mean that people should move? Why should we move and not you? When you want to move us is not demented logic but when I want to move you is demented logic?
Moving people to find a solution is either ok or is not ok. If it is not ok then everybody goes to his own home. No Turkish State on land that we are the majority and crap like that and end of story. If moving people to change the demographics is ok for a solution and peace then why not to move the TCs back to Turkey?
Do you have any idea whats being discussed at the negotiations? BBF with political equality of the 2 states.
Discussions mean nothing at all. What matters is what Cypriots want for their island.
Again you dont get it, whats on the table is BBF if you dont want it walk away, dont continue lieing to everyone, there is nothing else on offer.
You can't force us to accept anything we don't like. What matters is what Cypriots want for their own island.
You cant force us either so why not contribute to a BBF with political equality of the 2 states as supported by the UN.