I was wondering if anyone had experienced the same as me..
My 6 yr old son and 11 yr old daughter attended a private after school club in Peyia.
I collected them both one day to find them and other children very disstressed.
A persistant naughty little boy who provoked many children at the club one day decided to spit his food at my son whilst the club were having their lunch.
My son told him off a number of times as the teacher was far too busy to keep an eye on the situation! wow!!
Untill the teacher did interfere and decided to scare the living daylights out of my 6 yr old by screaming at him..dragged him off his chair, smacked him, pulled him by his little arm accross the floor and locked him in a room for 5 hours in swelltering heat, no drink just a bed.
his big sister waited by the door trying to help him by talking to him, in the end he fell asleep.
My children are not angels but have manners at the table and my son was telling the boy off as he understood what he was doing with his food was wrong.
To think I was paying someone who should care and look out for my children, totally let me down and my children.
I did take the matter up with the teacher who told me it was the dinne lady!!!! who said it was the teacher. Luckilly there was another parent outside who had witnessed and kindly put me in the picture.
What right does anyone have no matter where it is in the world to be cruel to any child?
I hope nobody else has experienced this or simular with theier child/children whilst being in a different country.