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'Unjust' flights ban challenged

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Oracle » Tue May 19, 2009 1:43 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
cyprusgeoff wrote:UK to Turkey, off one aircraft and on to another then on to North Cyprus
I would have thought.

Probably they are now seeking to avoid the two legs and fly direct.

I have travelled to the north from Stansted. I was surprised when the plane did not even land at Antalia as scheduled. No STOPPING, NO CHANGE OF PLANE. These MAD TURKS. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you all parachute down over Cyprus?

Sorry to disappoint. NO parachutes.

Ouch, painful! :shock: ... or maybe pigs really can fly!
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 19, 2009 1:49 pm

Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
cyprusgeoff wrote:UK to Turkey, off one aircraft and on to another then on to North Cyprus
I would have thought.

Probably they are now seeking to avoid the two legs and fly direct.

I have travelled to the north from Stansted. I was surprised when the plane did not even land at Antalia as scheduled. No STOPPING, NO CHANGE OF PLANE. These MAD TURKS. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you all parachute down over Cyprus?

Sorry to disappoint. NO parachutes.

Ouch, painful! :shock: ... or maybe pigs really can fly!

Be careful O! Did you prick yourself in a cactus (Paboutso-sika') 'bush'?.
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Postby humanist » Tue May 19, 2009 2:39 pm

Have you not heard TCs are the first to be laid off in the south, so they are now working in the TRNC and have many stories to tell of how they were treated. What you saw was normal daily life, we are no different from south Cyprus. OK admitiditly our incomes may not be as high as those in the south but our outgoings are not as high either. We may not go to a restaurant every week but we go evey other week. We have people on lower incomes and people on higher incomes just like countiries allover the world. You like to paint the north as some undeveloped land where uneducated people like well sorry to disappoint but we are normal people living normal every day lives. The Orams case has brough about other attitudes and fired TCs to take their cases to court as well, they will borrow or find the money form family to counter GC property claims but they do not have a TC court to rule in their favor they have to take your GC courts and the "RoC" to the ECHR to get justice, what do you have to say about that?

VP I am a bit over this fighting to be honest, so sometimes I like to joke abut the situation because it is laughable in a sorry kind of a way. I know that daily life is reasonable, thank God you ain't starving however some people are making it hard. We all know a solution would alleviate some of those economic problems. In my response I think I expressed truthfully what I thought of the occupied territory of Cyprus.

I like to keep the Orams case separately, because for me it is about the ethical implications that those two people have exposed by their lack of empathy for another human being. As I have advocated many time before, the TC's had to have accommodation immediately after the war and sought to live in GC refugee homes. It is excusable..... the other on the other hand cannot comprehend that the people who sold them the land acted innapropriately and illegally and whilst they have been ripped off, it does not change the fact that they have built upon someone elses land without their consent.

If I were the Orams I would have struck a deal with Apostolidis, for some other form of compensation if agreed and gone after the person who sold them the land for compensation to Apostolidis, whether it was cash or exchange of another plot of land of equal or greater value. Deep down I feel for the suckers and I would have suppoerted them in that action. However the fact they showed no remorse or even understanding of where the Apostolids family may be feeling and experiencing. That shows lack of compassion.

I would be interested in haring your response about the EU being the entity that safeguards TC individual rights
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 19, 2009 7:26 pm

zan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
cyprusgeoff wrote:UK to Turkey, off one aircraft and on to another then on to North Cyprus
I would have thought.

Probably they are now seeking to avoid the two legs and fly direct.

As far as I know, the plane lands in Turkey and then takes off again, this time on a flight with another number.

I call it the "Midnight Express".!

If CTA is not careful, once the ECJ ruling has cleared the UK courts, they may become on a "hit list" for individuals and companies trespassing on GC land that the Ercan airport is built on. If they do not pay the fines, then it will be easy to confiscate the planes upon landing on any of the EU's other 26 member states by the actions of the courts.!

You land in the South mate and make sure you kiss the ground because it is built on TC land and when you lift your lips off the ground be sure to wipe the TC blood from your lips :evil:

Ansd you've got the cheek to demonise your own people for flying to their own country!! :roll:

Oh no, not the LCA pollocks again.

Which "tc" owned the hundreds of donums that LCA is built on Zan?

If you are going to answer like a child then I will help you......In the same vein....The TRNC is built on mant peoples land so with your childish mentality we need not worry about them either. Deal...You keep the land that is part of the airport and we will keep the land that is part of the TRNC. :roll:

Either the same importance is applied to TC land or the same dismissal..You have been living in my country far too long old chap, albeit in the South. You have learned the double talk really well....

Zan - you little fibber you, back to your little old porky telling ways so quickly. You naughty, naughty little Zanoui. You little cry-baby you.

Enough of the small talk. Come along little Zanny. Stop sulking, grow up and tell us, .........


(give you a little help - look up posts by GR and Paphitis above)

@VP, if the "tc" chap who owns the tiny part, in the corner by the fence feels hard done by and he/she is justified in their claim then I wish them every success at the ECHR. Really I do.
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Postby YFred » Tue May 19, 2009 10:27 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
zan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
cyprusgeoff wrote:UK to Turkey, off one aircraft and on to another then on to North Cyprus
I would have thought.

Probably they are now seeking to avoid the two legs and fly direct.

As far as I know, the plane lands in Turkey and then takes off again, this time on a flight with another number.

I call it the "Midnight Express".!

If CTA is not careful, once the ECJ ruling has cleared the UK courts, they may become on a "hit list" for individuals and companies trespassing on GC land that the Ercan airport is built on. If they do not pay the fines, then it will be easy to confiscate the planes upon landing on any of the EU's other 26 member states by the actions of the courts.!

You land in the South mate and make sure you kiss the ground because it is built on TC land and when you lift your lips off the ground be sure to wipe the TC blood from your lips :evil:

Ansd you've got the cheek to demonise your own people for flying to their own country!! :roll:

Oh no, not the LCA pollocks again.

Which "tc" owned the hundreds of donums that LCA is built on Zan?

If you are going to answer like a child then I will help you......In the same vein....The TRNC is built on mant peoples land so with your childish mentality we need not worry about them either. Deal...You keep the land that is part of the airport and we will keep the land that is part of the TRNC. :roll:

Either the same importance is applied to TC land or the same dismissal..You have been living in my country far too long old chap, albeit in the South. You have learned the double talk really well....

Zan - you little fibber you, back to your little old porky telling ways so quickly. You naughty, naughty little Zanoui. You little cry-baby you.

Enough of the small talk. Come along little Zanny. Stop sulking, grow up and tell us, .........


(give you a little help - look up posts by GR and Paphitis above)

@VP, if the "tc" chap who owns the tiny part, in the corner by the fence feels hard done by and he/she is justified in their claim then I wish them every success at the ECHR. Really I do.

Charlui baby, last time I read about that, RoC had offered the owner 20,000 pounds and the owner asked for 100 million pounds, so it must be a substantial part of it. Surely one of our GC honest forumers can settle this by checking in the land registry to see how much of the airport land is TC owned.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 19, 2009 10:37 pm

YFred wrote:Charlui baby, last time I read about that, RoC had offered the owner 20,000 pounds and the owner asked for 100 million pounds, so it must be a substantial part of it.

Quit fibbing dude... land next to an airport is worthless! If they offered him 20k its probably a compensation so he should've taken it because nobody else will ever buy that piece with 747s screaming over it. :lol:
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Postby YFred » Tue May 19, 2009 10:48 pm

Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:Charlui baby, last time I read about that, RoC had offered the owner 20,000 pounds and the owner asked for 100 million pounds, so it must be a substantial part of it.

Quit fibbing dude... land next to an airport is worthless! If they offered him 20k its probably a compensation so he should've taken it because nobody else will ever buy that piece with 747s screaming over it. :lol:

In the report the man claimed that his land was part of the airport. Surely you can prove it by a visit to the land registry to see who else has land their. There may well be others.

Mistaken maybe, fibbing, Ohi se baragalo.
Last edited by YFred on Tue May 19, 2009 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby insan » Tue May 19, 2009 10:49 pm

The thief, so-called RoC must demolish Larnaca Airport built on TC land!
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 19, 2009 10:51 pm

YFred wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
zan wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
cyprusgeoff wrote:UK to Turkey, off one aircraft and on to another then on to North Cyprus
I would have thought.

Probably they are now seeking to avoid the two legs and fly direct.

As far as I know, the plane lands in Turkey and then takes off again, this time on a flight with another number.

I call it the "Midnight Express".!

If CTA is not careful, once the ECJ ruling has cleared the UK courts, they may become on a "hit list" for individuals and companies trespassing on GC land that the Ercan airport is built on. If they do not pay the fines, then it will be easy to confiscate the planes upon landing on any of the EU's other 26 member states by the actions of the courts.!

You land in the South mate and make sure you kiss the ground because it is built on TC land and when you lift your lips off the ground be sure to wipe the TC blood from your lips :evil:

Ansd you've got the cheek to demonise your own people for flying to their own country!! :roll:

Oh no, not the LCA pollocks again.

Which "tc" owned the hundreds of donums that LCA is built on Zan?

If you are going to answer like a child then I will help you......In the same vein....The TRNC is built on mant peoples land so with your childish mentality we need not worry about them either. Deal...You keep the land that is part of the airport and we will keep the land that is part of the TRNC. :roll:

Either the same importance is applied to TC land or the same dismissal..You have been living in my country far too long old chap, albeit in the South. You have learned the double talk really well....

Zan - you little fibber you, back to your little old porky telling ways so quickly. You naughty, naughty little Zanoui. You little cry-baby you.

Enough of the small talk. Come along little Zanny. Stop sulking, grow up and tell us, .........


(give you a little help - look up posts by GR and Paphitis above)

@VP, if the "tc" chap who owns the tiny part, in the corner by the fence feels hard done by and he/she is justified in their claim then I wish them every success at the ECHR. Really I do.

Charlui baby, last time I read about that, RoC had offered the owner 20,000 pounds and the owner asked for 100 million pounds, so it must be a substantial part of it. Surely one of our GC honest forumers can settle this by checking in the land registry to see how much of the airport land is TC owned.

Our dear Freddie, Paphitis has already told us that (pre '60? ) Much of the present day LCA was a GB airfield and GR tells us that he has seen the maps and that the "tc" land in question was a small part. I am sure you'll agree that both of these fine gentlemen are honest forumers.

In any event, as Zan has made the contentious claim he should put up the evidence to back it up.

(reh Fredopsaroboulla, aman se tho, tha we klotsisso, mesta kochania.
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Postby YFred » Tue May 19, 2009 10:51 pm

insan wrote:The thief, so-called RoC must demolish Larnaca Airport built on TC land!

Perhaps we can have a judgement in TRNC North Lefkosha courts and ask the Turkish Air force to implement it!

Do you think they may oblige?
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