YFred wrote:Kifeas wrote:YFred wrote:halil wrote:YFred wrote:halil wrote:Again, as one would expect, the Turkish Cypriot estimates of Turkish Cypriot-owned land on either side of the island are much higher than the Greek Cypriot estimates: 33.1% of privately owned land in the north, and 22.8% of privately owned land in the south (corresponding Greek Cypriot figures are 21.1% and 13.9%, respectively). What is more important is the percentage of Greek Cypriot private property in the north. The Turkish Cypriot side estimates this at 1,228,838 donums, which is equivalent to 63.8% of all privately owned land in the north. Although significantly lower than the corresponding Greek Cypriot estimate (1,463,382 donums or 78.5%), this is still a remarkably high percentage.God knows what will happen at the table

Mr X will have to invite a pole dancer to distract Talat from these figures.
old Cypriots habit Bargaining (Pazarlık ,bazarliki ) not popular in these days .......

It's not just the actual areas but complicated by the land price differences between the north and the south.
And what is this supposed to mean? That because the north was illegally occupied by Turkey and thus remained outside the legal property market framework, the GC properties in the north should be devaluated and the TC properties in the south should remain appreciated? Does your mother have more cleverish sons like yourself, or are you just her only one?
Kifeas, first FYI I am from a family of 8, and all have land in the south, so you can see the reason for my interest.
Secondly, one of the grounds you guys opposed the Annan plan was because the prices were calculated at 74 level. So now you are propsing that if you are a TC and wish to exchange you can only exchange donum for donum. This is just about the most racist thing to come out of this forum. Not that I am interested in exchanging.
Why is it racist to exchange donum for donum of similar land? Is it because you want to have most of the GC land in the north, which amount to 4 times more than the TC one in the south, and then, once a solution is reached and the market values become equal between north and south, each one of you to become 3-4 times richer than the average GC refugee from the north? We are not the ones that want to exchange anything, but your side instead. If you don’t like it now, we can always agree that each one gets his property back, without any exchanges. I already asked you, does your mother have many more such clever sons like you, or are you just her only one?