[quote="alexjames2"]Bananiot... many thanks for your reply, sounds quite what i have experienced so far..manners account for a lot and yes rudeness here is not uncommon. I want my kids to be little gentleman..

Gentlemen are very few and far between in the UK now . Greed has replaced civility , politeness is a sign of weakness , gentlemen are seen as a relic of the past. Where is the "gentlemanly " approach in the UK today , and it will get far far worst. The MPs scandal will affect all sections of our community . The little man will copy the examples set by the "gentlemen" that rule out nation. Please dont make your children " little gentlemen" they would be at a disadvantage with society.
The Cypriot kids are not constantly reprimanded by their parents for not not saying please and thank you but at least they are brought up in a family environment with cousins , aunts and uncles , grandpas and grandmothers not like the British kids who dont even know who their father is !
I have two grandchildren , in a few months I will have 3 .There is no where else that I would like them to grow up than Cyprus .
The feeling that they know their mum and dad , their cousins aunties and uncles , the very fact that they are a part of a Cypriot culture that still relishes family values is for me the greatest gift that children can ever have.