Z4 wrote:......too much noise from Heathrow!?

So going back to noisy UK.
And where kids stab each other.And kids steal cars,go joy riding and run over innocent people.And 24 hour drinking in pubs producing violence and abuse.And where there are perverts who snatch kids and abuse/murder. And kids who snatch kids for abuse/ murder. Where old people are abused/murdered. And where, if you stand up for yourself in/outside your home you are abused/murdered.Where there are many professional organisations eager to find ways to rip you off from your hard earned money,be it banks,building societies,roofers,plumbers,mechanics etc(rogue traders).And where all your movements are being watched,but cannot prevent you from being attacked. And where you go into hospital with a minor illness and probably not come out alive.and teenage single mums,drug users,racists,thieves,lying politicians abusing their position.
Now please tell me the good points.