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Cyprus isnt that brilliant

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Postby pissouri » Fri May 15, 2009 6:00 pm

alexjames2, never really told us whether she smiles first at the check out girls and waits for them to smile back, or does she wait for them to smile first and then smile back.... who knows...

with alexjames2 pending departure (hopefully) to the Uk, we will never really know and it will go down as one of those unsolved mysteries!!!
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 15, 2009 6:06 pm

Come on guys , be fair , I also criticized her opening post but the woman comes across as a genuine person and a good mum. She has a Cypriot father so therefore she has every right to feel connected to Cyprus and be critical of certain aspects .
When I replied to her opening post I highlighted the fact that my own daughter is deliriously happy and lucky to be living in Cyprus.

The cost of living , mostly the cost of food and household items is very expensive to US from the UK , the weakness of STG makes things even more expensive.
Go easy on her she is partly one of us and so are her children
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Postby Free Spirit » Fri May 15, 2009 6:14 pm

alexjames2 wrote:cyprus grump! we cant all be educated professors like yourself! so what if i dont use caps and punctuation marks, that doesnt make me an idiot. I still believe that cyprus ...oops! Cyprus isnt that brilliant.

Incidently I really am stupid to want to give my kids a private education in the uk! Should stay here really..the sun, the sea, perfect people, no crime, no immigrants, no rascism, just perfection!

I appreciate your opinions and i wouldnt call any one stupid. Here we go again. Rudeness
Hi Alex, there are people like Cyprus Grump on all forums.
Hiding why people find that Cyprus is not for them is doing a diservice to prospective ex-pats.
On other forums when I pointed out the reasons why we decided to end our stay I said nothing that wasn't true I also stated quite a few things that even though we'd been visiting twice a year only came to our attention after we had moved to Cyprus.
On 'Cyprus Living' everything that did not show just the positive angle on Cyprus was virtualy banned by the forum Admin and backed up by the forum stormtroopers who bear a strong resemblence to Cyprus Grump.

We arrived back in the UK very dissapointed but not at all blaming Cyprus for all our problems, our biggest problems were caused by rip off ex-pats especialy the lying British ex pat house agent at Simply Rentals and the Irish owner of the house who gave us 3 months of hell.

Jim on Cyprus Living seems to think that €40 (£37.50) is fair for window cleaning a 2 bed bungalow; in the area of the UK where I live £5.50 (€6.25) is the norm for a 3 bed semi, according to the CL Black Dalek window cleaning is more dangerous in Cyprus.

For the record we still love Cyprus and if things changed for us we'd be back tommorow. I'm sorry for you regarding your current situation and hope things work out better for you.
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Postby Free Spirit » Fri May 15, 2009 6:25 pm

miltiades wrote:Come on guys , be fair , I also criticized her opening post but the woman comes across as a genuine person and a good mum. She has a Cypriot father so therefore she has every right to feel connected to Cyprus and be critical of certain aspects .
When I replied to her opening post I highlighted the fact that my own daughter is deliriously happy and lucky to be living in Cyprus.

The cost of living , mostly the cost of food and household items is very expensive to US from the UK , the weakness of STG makes things even more expensive.
Go easy on her she is partly one of us and so are her children

John It's a crime/pity that you aren't on the forum that I mentioned in my last reply; it needs straight talking people like you, sadly you wouldn't be tolerated or last long as you're not the "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir" type.
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Postby alexjames2 » Fri May 15, 2009 6:25 pm

Miltiades and Freespirit.....thankyou for your kind words. I have been staying at the Golden Bay Larnaca for two months of the year for the past 6 years .It is so true that living here and holidaying here are two totally different experiences.
We will continue to come here every year for our holidays as believe it or not Cyprus is indeed close to our hearts.
My kids love it and the eldest who is 18 just loves to go to Ayia Nappa.
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Postby alexjames2 » Fri May 15, 2009 6:27 pm

Pissouri a comedian as well. Dont give up the day job
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 15, 2009 6:29 pm

miltiades wrote:Come on guys , be fair , I also criticized her opening post but the woman comes across as a genuine person and a good mum. She has a Cypriot father so therefore she has every right to feel connected to Cyprus and be critical of certain aspects .
When I replied to her opening post I highlighted the fact that my own daughter is deliriously happy and lucky to be living in Cyprus.

The cost of living , mostly the cost of food and household items is very expensive to US from the UK , the weakness of STG makes things even more expensive.
Go easy on her she is partly one of us and so are her children

Well, it would be great if she backed up a bit. She's been given advice and it's fine to refuse it, but to simply ignore it and keep harping about the same moans .... is a bit pointless.

Her first post here moaned about her TC ex-husband who nevertheless was a good father, but not a good husband apparently. If her kids come first, she could have stayed with him till they were older. But clearly she comes first. That's fine! But just be true to yourself.

Instead she up-rooted the kids to Cyprus, now has a Lebanese partner and because of the shops, she finds some excuse about schooling (after only a month :roll: ) and says she's going back because of the kids.

Well I don't think she's being true to herself or the kids .... If she wants to go back ... it's because of her and she shouldn't bad-mouth either the school or the country.

Despite everything ... we never turn our backs on anyone ... whether our "own" or not Miltiades ... if she wants to talk it through that's fine! :D
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 15, 2009 6:32 pm

Free Spirit wrote:
miltiades wrote:Come on guys , be fair , I also criticized her opening post but the woman comes across as a genuine person and a good mum. She has a Cypriot father so therefore she has every right to feel connected to Cyprus and be critical of certain aspects .
When I replied to her opening post I highlighted the fact that my own daughter is deliriously happy and lucky to be living in Cyprus.

The cost of living , mostly the cost of food and household items is very expensive to US from the UK , the weakness of STG makes things even more expensive.
Go easy on her she is partly one of us and so are her children

John It's a crime/pity that you aren't on the forum that I mentioned in my last reply; it needs straight talking people like you, sadly you wouldn't be tolerated or last long as you're not the "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir" type.

Well I did go on Cyprus Living and was banned !! I told someone , a G/C by the name of " molonlave " that he had a chip on his shoulder and that was it. !!! The funny thing is that he too was banned for inciting ...rudeness from me !!
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 15, 2009 6:35 pm

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:Come on guys , be fair , I also criticized her opening post but the woman comes across as a genuine person and a good mum. She has a Cypriot father so therefore she has every right to feel connected to Cyprus and be critical of certain aspects .
When I replied to her opening post I highlighted the fact that my own daughter is deliriously happy and lucky to be living in Cyprus.

The cost of living , mostly the cost of food and household items is very expensive to US from the UK , the weakness of STG makes things even more expensive.
Go easy on her she is partly one of us and so are her children

Well, it would be great if she backed up a bit. She's been given advice and it's fine to refuse it, but to simply ignore it and keep harping about the same moans .... is a bit pointless.

Her first post here moaned about her TC ex-husband who nevertheless was a good father, but not a good husband apparently. If her kids come first, she could have stayed with him till they were older. But clearly she comes first. That's fine! But just be true to yourself.

Instead she up-rooted the kids to Cyprus, now has a Lebanese partner and because of the shops, she finds some excuse about schooling (after only a month :roll: ) and says she's going back because of the kids.

Well I don't think she's being true to herself or the kids .... If she wants to go back ... it's because of her and she shouldn't bad-mouth either the school or the country.

Despite everything ... we never turn our backs on anyone ... whether our "own" or not Miltiades ... if she wants to talk it through that's fine! :D

A word of advice O, Never ever turn your back on this old goat from Stroumbi The Great ! :lol:
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Postby alexjames2 » Fri May 15, 2009 6:38 pm

ORACLE i have an 18 year old son as well with my ex husband. We married when i was 16. I am now 45! Ileft him 0ver 6 years ago when our twins were just a year old. I gave up most of my young life for him. You shouldnt make comments like " i should have stayed with him for the kids) My 3 sons now see a mum who can smile , not a mum who is constantly depressed because of a bad marriage. My kids are my life and ok im sorry for slagging cyprus off but I think I am doing the right thing by Educating them in the Uk. We are in the process of buying a holiday home in Pervolia so you wont be rid of us that easy.

As for my lebanese partner of 5 years. He is the kindest , most loving and considerate man I have ever met and he respects me as a woman...something I didnt have before
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