cyprusgrump wrote:Oracle wrote:Apparently not!
Hello ....
I miss your posts ... are you terribly busy?
alexjames2 wrote:cyprus grump..... if you care to read all of my posts you will see that i do love cyprus. i have been coming here every year forever! My kids hate their school here and are not doing so well so that is the main reason for returning!!! As for Windsor I put that down as where I live because im sure not many of you would know where Wentworth Virginia Water is!!!!! I have had my moan about Cyprus but I also moan about the Uk when im there! Oracle your being to aggravate me now! Your posts are a waste of space... get a life
Misguided alexjames2 wrote:Why is Cyprus so expensive!? it has to be the most expensive place in europe. moved here a month ago, put my 7 year old twins in med high which although fee paying isnt in my opinion private. People are rude, supermarket cashiers look act as if they are doing you a favour by serving you...blimey... we are coming back to lovely windsor in august and the boys will be going back to the private school that i took for granted! i will never slag off the uk again... life doesnt resolve around the sea and sun.
Oracle wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Oracle wrote:Apparently not!
Hello ....
I miss your posts ... are you terribly busy?
alexjames2 wrote:thankfully most people on this island dont share your views . How the hell is Cyprus supposed to be united when you want to torture turks! maybe you lost a lot of property or even loved ones . my father lost everything plus a family member. we werent bought up to hate. your one liners sum you up!
alexjames2 wrote:Im wondering why no one has replied to the post i sent to Oracle regarding her hate of the turks....thats ok though isnt it . Torturing !
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