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Downing St response to TC petition

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Downing St response to TC petition

Postby RichardB » Wed May 13, 2009 6:23 pm

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Wednesday 13 May 2009
Kuzeykibris - epetition response

We received a petition asking:

“We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to recognize the Turkish Intervention of 1974 to Cyprus as a Legal Intervention and Not an Illegal Invasion.”

Details of Petition:

“We demand any and all embargoes be lifted from the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus, We also demand that The British Government Officially recognize that Turkey Intervened in the island in 1974 due to a Greece backed junta plans for unifying Cyprus with Greece, in intervening it was 100% Legal and Justified. The intervention should not be classed as an “illegal Invasion” History: Turkey intervened on 20 July 1974, having the right to do so unilaterally as concerted action had not proved possible. Under the 1960 Treaty, Turkey’s sole object could be to re-establish the state of affairs guaranteed by the basic articles of the 1960 Constitution. The coup d’etat was of course ipso facto unconstitutional and was said by Makarios himself to be an attempt to extend Greek dictatorship to the island. On 30 July 1974 the powers agreed that the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island of Northern Cyprus should be linked to a `just and lasting settlement acceptable to all parties concerned’…This has not yet been achieved therefore Turkeys military presence in Northern Cyprus is 100% Justified and should also not be regarded as Illegal Occupation.”

· Read the petition
· Petitions homepage
Read the Government’s response

Thank you for e-petition.

In UN resolution 353 (1974), the UK along with the other members of the UN Security Council requested withdrawal without delay from the Republic of Cyprus of foreign military personnel present otherwise than under the authority of international agreements.

Furthermore, the British Government believes that a settlement is in the best interests of both Cypriot communities, and offers the best future for Cyprus. We therefore fully support the efforts of the leaders of the two communities to achieve a settlement through the negotiations in which they are currently engaged.

Just came across this .

If its already been posted my apologies
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Postby miltiades » Wed May 13, 2009 6:42 pm

What else could possibly be expected. Turkey appears extremely naive in demanding the Britain affords recognition of a " state " that the entire international community does not recognise.
As far as calling the invasion of Cyprus as intervention that indeed is pathetic given that an intervention would have as its goal the return of the legitimate government of Cyprus and not the "permanent" occupation of a part of Cyprus with some 160 thousand if not more settlers . Is she for real I wonder , has all sense of reality disappeared.
If as Turkey claims she "intervened" what on earth is she doing 35 years later in a part of Cyprus where a vast number of those Cypriots she claims she protects see her as an occupying force. The number is growing and sooner rather than later they will demand the removal of occupying troops.
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Postby insan » Wed May 13, 2009 7:39 pm

miltiades wrote:If as Turkey claims she "intervened" what on earth is she doing 35 years later in a part of Cyprus where a vast number of those Cypriots she claims she protects see her as an occupying force. The number is growing and sooner rather than later they will demand the removal of occupying troops.

If Turkish Army is considered as an occupation force, the so-called National Guard is an occupation force too. Which nation's guard is the so-called national guard that has a Hellenic Symbol? R u kidding with us, Milti? What if TCs have had 15.000 NAtional Guard, 60-70 thousands of reservists with 3000-4000 Turkish troops?

In such a case there would have been be no difference between GC national Guard and TC national Guard. It is obvious that u r trying to exploit the situation that TCs haven't got as much national guard as GCs have due to it's smaller population.
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Re: Downing St response to TC petition

Postby Oracle » Wed May 13, 2009 7:51 pm

RichardB wrote:

Idiots wrote:On 30 July 1974 the powers agreed that the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island of Northern Cyprus should be linked to a `just and lasting settlement acceptable to all parties concerned’…This has not yet been achieved therefore Turkeys military presence in Northern Cyprus is 100% Justified and should also not be regarded as Illegal Occupation.”

Well there wasn't, and isn't, a "Northern Cyprus" ... and whatever was "agreed" on 30th July 1974 was made null and void by the second invasion in August ... the consequences of which we all still endure ...

UK Government wrote:Thank you for e-petition.

In UN resolution 353 (1974), the UK along with the other members of the UN Security Council requested withdrawal without delay from the Republic of Cyprus of foreign military personnel present otherwise than under the authority of international agreements.

A most suitable response in a snub of the highest order .... :D
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Postby anna-sh » Wed May 13, 2009 9:51 pm

An excellent response from the UK :D

it`s just a shame there are so many ignorant people living on our northen shores
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Postby humanist » Wed May 13, 2009 10:05 pm

it's a bloody hypocritical response from the UK ............ why don't they support the implementation of the UN resolutions if they really want to make a change, whey doesn't Britain along with the international community impose economic sanction on Turkey as well ....... because they are hypcrites. Why did UK's ex- prime ministers wife represent the Orams in stealing land from GC refugees, all HYPOCITES
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Postby YFred » Wed May 13, 2009 10:13 pm

humanist wrote:it's a bloody hypocritical response from the UK ............ why don't they support the implementation of the UN resolutions if they really want to make a change, whey doesn't Britain along with the international community impose economic sanction on Turkey as well ....... because they are hypcrites. Why did UK's ex- prime ministers wife represent the Orams in stealing land from GC refugees, all HYPOCITES

Now you are talking. Turkey invades and TCs get isolated, what is the world coming to. So the real question is if you have a pussy cat and a tiger in front of you which one do you kick?

I know who most TCs would kik?

The west ain’t stupid are they?
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Postby humanist » Wed May 13, 2009 10:16 pm

yeah but when I speak the truth am labelled a difficult person.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed May 13, 2009 10:19 pm

humanist wrote:yeah but when I speak the truth am labelled a difficult person.

You speak but you do not listen or understand thats the problem with you.
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 13, 2009 10:55 pm

I see this petition (link in the OP) attracted 406 signatures,

406 ! :lol:

I think the good citizens of the Free Areas of the Republic will be sleeping comfortably in their beds tonight in view of this derisory support.
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