denizaksulu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Kifeas wrote:denizaksulu wrote:The Cypriot wrote:The Cypriot wrote:Viewpoint wrote:You need to persuade me to dump Turkeys guarantee not the other way around.
VP, do you agree, in principle, to NATO security? IF you receive sufficient assurances that your security will be safeguarded?Viewpoint wrote:What if Turkey guarantee only covered the TC state as TCs will not let go of this life line if things shoudl go wrong.
I, personally, would not be able to agree to Turkey having any intervention rights anywhere in Cyprus. Sorry. That's how I feel. I doubt there are many free Cypriots who will feel differently. Same for Greece. Same for Britain. We just don't want them.
But all three could have intervention rights throughout the whole island – through NATO – until the situation on the island stabilised.
Answer this, otherwise I'm going to stop: promise...
TC, it is obvious that the majority of TC's have concerns re: their safety against the majority GC's. That is why they seek Intervention rights for Turkey. What sort of mechanism would you put in place to placate their fears.
Your fears re: Turkey are understandable, do you see why TC's fear the majority GC's?
What about a completely demelitarised Cyprus with only a multinational force of say 6,000 troops in place. This force will be composed by 1/6 of Turkish Cypriot soldiers, 1/6 Greek Cypriot ones, 1/6 mainland Turkish, 1/6 mainland Greek and 2/6 from other (British /EU /international) soldiers, under the direct mandate of the UNSC which will also appoint the comamender of the entire force?
There will be no qurantor powers, more so with unilateral “intervention rights,” and only the UNSC will althorise this force -under specifiec and pre-agreed terms and circomstances, to act for the overall internal and external security of Cyprus, always upon the request of the federal government or any of its two constituent states towards the UNSC.
Why wouldn't such arrangement meet the security needs of the both the Tukish and Greek Cypriots?
The above arrangements would be fine with me, but what 'mechanism' in goverment/ local gov posts would be put in place to allay the fears of the TCs.
Deniz be careful you are giving Russia a veto over your life.
That would be the least of my worries.
My chief concern, like yours is, that although I strongly believe in the one man one vote system, that the GCs will not abuse their majority votes. How will this obstacle be overcome.
I cant believe the GCs will ever repeat their 1974 mistake again. It has been a tough lesson for all of us. So I dont see Russia needing to VETO anything.
EG the GCs kick the shit out of the TCs and Russia veto the intervention of the 6000 stron army, do you see no risk?