Another anonymously written Cyprus Mail article ... what are they afraid of? Losing Kudos for doing a journalistic U-Turn?
But ''Beetroot Man" ... so worthy of CF ... it has to be Laptachap ... the bugger bandit Brit!
Another anonymously written Cyprus Mail article ... what are they afraid of? Losing Kudos for doing a journalistic U-Turn?
The recent ECJ ruling in favour of Greek Cypriot property owner Meletis Apostolides has led to a flurry of speculation in the north over the fate of those illegally living in properties abandoned after 1974. Reporter Daniel Lucas paid a visit to the primarily British village of Karmi to see what the locals were saying )
RichardB wrote:Another anonymously written Cyprus Mail article ... what are they afraid of? Losing Kudos for doing a journalistic U-Turn?The recent ECJ ruling in favour of Greek Cypriot property owner Meletis Apostolides has led to a flurry of speculation in the north over the fate of those illegally living in properties abandoned after 1974. Reporter Daniel Lucas paid a visit to the primarily British village of Karmi to see what the locals were saying )
Author given as David Lucas
Viewpoint wrote:They are comfortable knowing that there will never be a solution as both sides are so intrangient that they can clearly see that the GCs will never return as they nor the TCs share a common vision or the flexibility necessary to unite. Now they are all talking of sellin their property in the UK and transfering their funds to the TRNC where the GCs have no means by to enforce the GC courts verdicts.
roseandchan wrote:i think sometimes the brits forget they are visitors in someone else's country.
i'm sure if mr lucas visited our tc village ,he would be made much more welcome.
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