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Cypriots of the north: show us your archithkia!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 08, 2009 8:42 pm

May I just add...

Your Mr T seems to be a progresive, nice sort of Cy. Give him a helping hand with a little more resistance to Occupation.
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 08, 2009 8:42 pm

humanist wrote:at their own admission the Cypriots in the occupied areas have repeatedly stated they are turks :( thye no want to be like the rest ..................

Turks ... they want to be like Turks? :shock:

In which case, this is what they willl aspire to ...

Image ... Turnips!

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Postby insan » Fri May 08, 2009 8:46 pm

As long as u base ur arguments on totally irrelevant beliefs, u waste ur time as well as ours. It seems like the end is approaching rapidly. We will all face with the ultimate truth. Some of u, will understand the wrongness of ur beliefs and some others still exert to find excuses to blame Turks, TCs and Anglo Americans and most probably Greece and Chris...
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri May 08, 2009 8:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:May I just add...

Your Mr T seems to be a progresive, nice sort of Cy. Give him a helping hand with a little more resistance to Occupation.

Things do need to get 'shaken around' a bit in the north certainly, bill.

A sprinkling of some good old Cypriot common sense is in order.

And as for Mr T, if he's like his namesake, I bet he has some archithkia worthy of the name. (Wonder what the 'T' stands for?)

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Postby miltiades » Fri May 08, 2009 8:52 pm

We recently had a poll on this forum. The majority of T/Cs voted for Cyprus as their motherland. They are T/Cs but the majority are firstly CYPRIOTS.
I know hundreds of T/Cs who are just as proud of being a Cypriot as I'm.
I do not and will no accept that the likes of Kikapu , Birkibrisly , Iceman , xxNilx , TC , Cem , Denizacsulu , Vuryek ,Umit 07 and many more T/Cs are the only ones that consider Cyprus as their homeland.
We have to also play our part treat them as our compatriots , as indeed they are , give respect and we may just get it back.
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri May 08, 2009 8:56 pm

insan wrote:As long as u base ur arguments on totally irrelevant beliefs,

Hristos je Banayia mu! :roll: It's just a tradition.

insan wrote: u waste ur time as well as ours. It seems like the end is approaching rapidly.

Show us! Show us!

insan wrote:
We will all face with the ultimate truth.

We want to face it!!!

insan wrote:
Some of u, will understand the wrongness of ur beliefs and some others still exert to find excuses to blame Turks, TCs and Anglo Americans and most probably Greece and Chris...

Oh come on insan.... Show us your archithkia!
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri May 08, 2009 8:59 pm

miltiades wrote:We recently had a poll on this forum. The majority of T/Cs voted for Cyprus as their motherland. They are T/Cs but the majority are firstly CYPRIOTS.
I know hundreds of T/Cs who are just as proud of being a Cypriot as I'm.
I do not and will no accept that the likes of Kikapu , Birkibrisly , Iceman , xxNilx , TC , Cem , Denizacsulu , Vuryek ,Umit 07 and many more T/Cs are the only ones that consider Cyprus as their homeland.
We have to also play our part treat them as our compatriots , as indeed they are , give respect and we may just get it back.

Big respects, milti!

I've shown them mine... I want to see there's!!
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 08, 2009 8:59 pm

miltiades wrote:We recently had a poll on this forum. The majority of T/Cs voted for Cyprus as their motherland. They are T/Cs but the majority are firstly CYPRIOTS.
I know hundreds of T/Cs who are just as proud of being a Cypriot as I'm.
I do not and will no accept that the likes of Kikapu , Birkibrisly , Iceman , xxNilx , TC , Cem , Denizacsulu , Vuryek ,Umit 07 and many more T/Cs are the only ones that consider Cyprus as their homeland.
We have to also play our part treat them as our compatriots , as indeed they are , give respect and we may just get it back.

Absolutely M.

Northern brothers! You hear what our nice M posts? If you scratch our archikia he'll scratch yours. Have I got that right?
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Postby insan » Fri May 08, 2009 9:00 pm

Bexe don bellon.
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri May 08, 2009 9:02 pm

insan wrote:Bexe don bellon.

Re insan, show me your archithkia, gardash. I've shown you mine!
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