denizaksulu wrote:miltiades wrote:""Receipts submitted by the Prime Minister to the Parliamentary authorities disclosed that between 2004 and 2006, he paid Andrew Brown , his brother , for cleaning at his flat. Andrew Brown, a senior executive at EDF Energy, received £6,577 over 26 months.
Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, admitted that he had over-claimed for both his council tax and mortgage bills. ""
I bet they both had values instilled in them by their parents !!!! Values such as take what ever is going , grab as much as you can , feather your nests and give no shit about anyone !!!
I wonder if they would pay my Mortgage too. They should all resign. Shameless crooks.
Jack Straw , our honourable...Justice Minister !!!!! not only claimed for his mortgage and council tax , expenses that us poor sods have to work for , he doubled claim !!!!
I recall some time last year an MP . I forget his name , was claiming for his son@s flat and expenses , a flat that his gay son was sharing with his boyfriend , the boyfriend was also " employed " by the dad as a ...researcher !!!! What a bunch of legal crooks.
Notice how many are giving back the proceed of their greed expecting the public to accept it and forget all about it !! A bit like a bank robber stopped in his tracks by the police as he exits a bank he just robbed , but he smiles , WRITES OUT A CHEQUE

and all is forgiven. !!! Cant wait for the next election !!