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Are growing economic ties sealing the division?

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Are growing economic ties sealing the division?

Postby brother » Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:34 am

Are growing economic ties sealing the division?
By Elias Hazou

THE extraordinary growth of the north’s economy since the opening of the checkpoints may be heavily dependent on transactions with the Republic, but are the two communities really coming closer together or are they going their separate ways?
Daily Politis yesterday carried a report in which it asked analysts to gauge how far the dealings between the two economies on the island promoted the cause of reunification and coexistence. Under the title “The cost of a non-solution in numbers,” the article concluded there was a risk the current state of affairs, far from creating a common interest, could in the long run cause the two sides to drift further apart.

The income earned by Turkish Cypriots employed in the south (estimates speak of £85 million for this year alone) has been powering the breakaway regime’s economy for the past two years. Statistical data suggest that up to 10,000 Turkish Cypriots earn their living in the free areas, their average monthly wages being around £700.

Although this entails a convergence of the standard of living on the two sides of the divide, there is strong suspicion that it may involve a number of adverse effects. For example, part of the money flowing into the north is thought to be behind the construction boom on land belonging to displaced Greek Cypriots. Moreover, the flourishing business inevitably leads to greater demand for construction workers. But as the latter are typically settlers from mainland Turkey, this raises serious concerns about the political future of Cyprus. Some sources speak of as many as 40,000 seasonal workers arriving in the north from Turkey.

Another disconcerting trend is that Turkish Cypriots and their employers in the south have so far not been contributing their share to the social insurance fund and medical health care despite reaping the benefits of both. Moreover, very few Turkish Cypriots are members of trade unions.

There is also a deficit in spending; Greek Cypriots are more prone to buying cheaper goods (and services) in the north. And with the new Green Line regulations, it is now possible to spend as much as £75 per visit.

More discrepancies are evident in trade between the two communities. Past studies have found that trade across the ceasefire line accounted for just £600,000 from August 2004 to the present. It was also stressed that the commerce was one-way, as Greek Cypriot goods were not being “exported” to the north.

And the CTO (Cyprus Tourism Organization) estimates that 13 per cent of tourists arriving on the island via legal ports cross over to the north, increasing the regime’s reserves of foreign currency. Again, this represents a clear loss of income for the free areas, and the situation is most likely to deteriorate (for the south), as hotels and tourist resorts are springing up everywhere in the north.

According to economist Costas Apostolides, the increased contact between the two communities is positive but could also turn out to be a double-edged sword. He explained that if a political settlement takes too long in coming, people could get accustomed to this limited co-operation and neglect full reunification.

Apostolides said that in a couple of years’ time Turkish Cypriots’ income would approach that of the Greek Cypriots, and that consequently the incentives for a solution would be diminished.

“Nevertheless, there will always be a need for interdependence between the two communities, as especially businessmen in the north realise that unhindered trade is what really improves a community’s standard of living.”

“You just can’t rely on income generated from employment,” he added.

Now this report makes a lot of sense to me, as time goes by people will start to see the way things are the norm. time is our biggest enemy but it takes the two regimes to notice this not just us the concerned public
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:05 pm

We are in a mess brother. Partition of our island is being cemented every day and those that are responsible are still using divisive issues to keep the smokescreen infront of the people so that the truth remains permanently obscure. Let me give you a recent example.

Last Friday, a satirical weekly newspaper called "pontiki" (meaning mouse) came up with a beaming headline that read "ex Minister of Agriculture Costas Themistocleous is doing business with the Turks!!". Immediately, the patriotic front close to the President took the lead and attacked Themistocleous, who happens to be a strong proponent of a solution and peaceful coexistance of our communities. His crime was that he formed a company with his 2 Turkish Cypriot friends and had it enrolled in the RoC. This was reported as "doing business with the Turks" and the bigots whose flames are fanned by the presidential palace went on a scathing attack to undermine Themistocleous who dared to "do business" with the perpetual enemy.

You see brother, we cannot even be seen to do business with each other, let along let you take a share of the plantation and reduce our beloved ethnarch into a mere community leader.

Themistocleous was quick to redicule his fanatical critics but the impression remained. We do not want to work with you. We are fine as we are. We will keep the fraction of the plantation we have at the moment pure and, if, years from now, the circumstances are favourable, we will take your part back.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:37 pm

Themistocleous was not attacked because he was doing bussiness with the TCs but because the company he registered with the TCs would activate in bussiness of demolition of buildings , and construction even on GC properties. He was also accused for receiving some money from Banks in the occupied and a copy of the cheque he received was presented on TV. Anyway the point is that each and everyone of those who fanatically supported YES at the Anan Plan were very well prepared, and knew exactly what to do to become multimillionaires 24 hours after a solution.We heard of Vassiliou and Lord Hannay buying massively land inside the British Bases, we heard of the Ex-Mayor of Nicosia buying massively cheap wreckage buildings at the dividing line of Nicosia etc etc.The above incident simply adds something to the whole picture.

What we did not hear so far is what the Bananiot of the forum would do, but I am sure one day those who know you personally will find out, and not be surprised at all.
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:20 pm

The headline of the newspaper was "Ex Minister is doing business with the Turks". The headline by itself shows the sick mentality of the bigots to which MicAtCyp is happy to adhere to.

The company, since it was registered in the RoC can only do business in the RoC.

The cheque, a copy of which was duly handed to the yellow paper, is one from a Turkish bank which does business in London.

The slander against Vasiliou and Lellos Demetriades (ex Nicosia Mayor) can only be leveled at by anonymous cowards like MicAtCyp. He can publish his piece in a newspaper (there arte plenty of yellow ones that will be happy to oblige) and face the cost. Cyber tigers will never do this of course.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:24 pm

The cowards are the defeatist friques of unprecedendent audacity like youself.Lellos replied as follows: I dont remember let me see, I have this I have that I bought this I bought that maybe I bought some more I dont remember exactly.Maybe I did! The usual idiot he always was. A hero for you.
That was his exact wording. As for what Vassiliou has bought go to Ormedhia village and ask the villagers there.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:27 pm

So are you referring to the attack of a newspaper with 200 pieces circulation or to what the news on TV said about the case?
Tell us which of the 2 hurt you more.
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Postby magikthrill » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:35 pm

bananiot you wouldnt happen to have bought yourself some property on ghost zones by any chance did you?
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:19 pm

Magicthrill, unfortunately for you they do not sell brains, not even in Timbaktu, you could do with a boost. This business to look for alterior motives as soon as someone says something different from the conventional wisdom is a characteristic common to all cretins and from this respect thanks to you and MicAtCyp, for confirming the rule.
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Postby magikthrill » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:59 pm

Bananiot wrote:Magicthrill, unfortunately for you they do not sell brains, not even in Timbaktu, you could do with a boost. This business to look for alterior motives as soon as someone says something different from the conventional wisdom is a characteristic common to all cretins and from this respect thanks to you and MicAtCyp, for confirming the rule.

defensive. sounds like a yes to me.
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:33 pm

I will never try to convince you of anything. If it suits you to believe that I bought properties in shady deals then go ahead. If you really want to blame someone then how about the government? According to our President it is official government policy to promote "business relations between the 2 communities". This is the antidote for the demand of EU for direct trade with the TC's. It is our President who is in a hurry to enforce a law for the green line and is desparate to start trade with Turkey (the occupiers).

The fact that you and MicAtCyp got so fast on the bandwagon of chauvinist hysteria goes a lot to say about the prevaling cretin mentalities.
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