The Cypriot wrote:I believe in 12 gods and see this monotheistic clap-trap as a crude Zionist plot to undermine Cyprus's Hellenism.
Obviously an Olympian !! The number has risen recently , at one stage I new all Olympians , one was and still is my older brother and the other was I.
I have maintained that both the Olympians and the other false religions have equal scientific credentials , in fact Olympians perhaps have an added scientific credence since we know for a fact that mount Olympus existed as indeed it exists today, so there you have it you false believers , there is no god but Father Xmas and the Olympian gods .
Let my people go HE said .
The Pharoah refused .
He asked the Israelites to paint a red sign on the door of their house presumably when the angels came down to commit mass murder they would ...pass-over the Israelites houses , I often wondered what means were used to kill the first born Egyptian little boys , strangled maybe or knifed , but there again did the creator of the universe not have the power to execute the punishment without angels , without requesting a sign indicating a Jewish house ? How come that HE had to use angels !!!
All these nonsense written 2 thousand years ago still very much part of the holy books and yet we have well educated knowledgeable people that STILL take these total and utter bullshit as gospel.
I suggest that the believers take a close look at the Bible and the Koran , they will see the content of savagery , murder , incomprehensible nonsense and above all the peddling of a philosophy that is responsible to this day of manipulating , brainwashing and creating monsters ready to participate in the most vile acts in the name of a NON EXISTENT GOD.