Sotos wrote:Its like winning the lottery in reverse
Sotos wrote:I guess somebody must have wrote this somewhere but I think it deserves its own thread! According to Candunas the lawyer of Apostolides there will be another case similar to Apostolides by the end of May. The case is with property in Karmi. So who is the next lucky bastard to have his life ruined because he was a selfish asshole and bought GC property in occupied Cyprus? Its like winning the lottery in reverse I want to see Talat playing tough some more and then there will be a lot more "winners" in his pseudo state
Get Real! wrote:Sotos wrote:Its like winning the lottery in reverse
Yup, it’s called Ottol!
Viewpoint wrote:When is the Brıtish Court going to pass judgement and when can they protest in the Lords? How long will all this take..thing the waiting list is 6 years.
Viewpoint wrote:When is the Brıtish Court going to pass judgement and when can they protest in the Lords? How long will all this take..thing the waiting list is 6 years.
Viewpoint wrote:When is the Brıtish Court going to pass judgement and when can they protest in the Lords? How long will all this take..thing the waiting list is 6 years.
Kifeas wrote:Sotos wrote:I guess somebody must have wrote this somewhere but I think it deserves its own thread! According to Candunas the lawyer of Apostolides there will be another case similar to Apostolides by the end of May. The case is with property in Karmi. So who is the next lucky bastard to have his life ruined because he was a selfish asshole and bought GC property in occupied Cyprus? Its like winning the lottery in reverse I want to see Talat playing tough some more and then there will be a lot more "winners" in his pseudo state
Sotos, I do not think there is a need to constantly go down to that level of expressions towards these people. After all, the majority of these people were also (primarily) mislead by their own government that failed to inform them properly -in fact it actually did quite the opposite, as well by the TC propaganda of the regime and the "developers" there. I insist that had the British governments been more honest and responsible, only very few of these people would have opted for "investing" in GC properties in the occupied north.
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